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The UK’s economy could be destroyed by the climate crisis by 2045
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The UK’s economy could be destroyed by the climate crisis by 2045

The climate crisis could sink the UK's economy by 2045


Due to the Brexit, the U.K. may lose 1% of its GDP each year by 2045. Climate crisis. This is according to the U.K. government’s recent assessment of the risks posed by climate change. Officials determined that the U.K. would lose more if the climate crisis is not addressed in a five year analysis.  

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The assessment showed that global temperatures will rise above 2 degrees Celsius if there is no further action to flood defenses, restore natural resources like peatlands, or build a more resilient society. environment. The government would also be affected by reduced food production and infrastructure damage from extreme weather events. Flooding alone could cause a loss of at least £1 billion ($1.36 billion) each year by 2050.

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According to Jo Churchill, the minister for climate adaptation, “The scale and severity of the challenge posed by Climate change means we cannot tackle it overnight, and although we’ve made good progress in recent years there is clearly much more that we need to do.”

Churchill stated that the government would make greater efforts to address climate crisis risks and help the country become more resilient. “By recognising the further progress that needs to be made, we’re committing to significantly increasing our efforts and setting a path towards the third national adaptation programme, which will set ambitious and robust policies to make sure we are resilient to climate change into the future,” Churchill said.

Climate campaigners, on the other hand, see the U.K.’s plans as short-sighted, since they only seek to mitigate climate impacts instead of solving the problem itself. Signe Norberg of the Aldersgate Group of businesses supporting sustainability said, “Investing in a healthier natural environment is key to making the UK more resilient to the impacts of climate change and it will be critical that the government puts forward ambitious and credible targets under the Environment Act.”

Via The Guardian

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