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The Whole World Is Hating on Joe Manchin – Mother Jones
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The Whole World Is Hating on Joe Manchin – Mother Jones

The Whole World Is Hating on Joe Manchin – Mother Jones


Joe Manchin speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill in January 2021.Jose Luis Magana/AP

This story was originally published in the Guardian and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration

Within the brutal machinations of US politics, Joe Manchin has been elevated to a status of supreme decision-maker, the man who could make or break Joe Biden’s presidency.

Internationally, however, the Democratic senator’s new fame has been received with puzzlementAnd growing bitterness, as countries already ravaged by the climate crisis brace themselves for the US—history’s largest ever emitter of planet-heating gases—again failing to pass major climate legislation.

Manchin has refused support for a comprehensive bill to lower greenhouse gas emissions for six months. This has stymied its progress in an evenly divided US Senate where Republicans consistently oppose climate action. Biden’s failure to pass the Build back Better Act could hurt him politically, but the ramifications will reverberate far outside Washington, especially in developing countries that are increasingly at the mercy. Desastrous climate change.

“He’s a villain, he’s a threat to the globe,” said Saleemul Huq, director of the International Centre for Climate Change and Development, based in Bangladesh. “If you talk to the average citizen in Dhaka, they will know who Joe Manchin is. It is amazing how much we know about American politics, including the Senate and filibuster.

“What the Americans do or don’t do on climate will impact the world and it’s incredible that this one coal lobbyist is holding things up. It will cause very bad consequences for us in Bangladesh, unfortunately.”

On December 19, the often difficult negotiations between Manchin and the White House and Democratic leaders looked doomed. West Virginia senator says he cannot supportThe $1.75 trillion bill was introduced citing concerns about inflation and the national deficit. This latest twist caused anguish for those who were previously unaware that their futures would be decided by a politician located thousands of kilometers away.

“I’ve been following the situation closely,” said Tina Stege, climate envoy for the Marshall Islands, a low-lying Pacific nation that Risks being eliminatedby rising sea level. “We have to halve emissions in this decade and can’t do it without strong, immediate action by the US.”

Stege said the Marshall Islands was already suffering the impacts of the climate crisis and if the US doesn’t slash its emissions “the outcomes for countries like mine are unthinkable.”


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