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This Kolkata-based environmental conservationist is ‘butting it in’ for a good cause: The New Indian Express
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This Kolkata-based environmental conservationist is ‘butting it in’ for a good cause: The New Indian Express

This Kolkata-based environment conservationist is 'butting in' for a good cause- The New Indian Express

Express News Service

BENGALURU – When you light up a cigarette, be aware of the health and environmental consequences. Nirit Datta, an environment conservationist based in Kolkata, began smoking three years ago and stopped after realising the environmental damage that cigarette butts can cause.

This was the catalyst for ButtRush to be established, a pan-Indian community that fights cigarette butt pollution. Datta will visit Bengaluru, April 28, to meet with corporates to help fund the drive.

Datta quickly points out that the community is not anti-smokers or a solution to recycling cigarette butts but an effort to combat climate change.

Our members go out on the streets collecting the butts for a 24-hour environmental marathon. We manually count the cigarettes and then pack them in containers. Datta, who quit his corporate job in Bengaluru to become a wildlife conservationist to save snakes and birds, has collected over 4 lakh cigarette bits so far.

Datta believes that the campaign is also meant to fight tobacco companies and make them aware of its effects. According to the 25-year-old crowdfunder, these butts are made from cellulose acetate, which is a dangerous plastic material that can be as harmful as plastic pollution. A cigarette butt placed in water with a small fish in is will cause it to die within 48 hours. It can also pollute the freshwater, marine ecosystem, soil, and cause harm to stray pets who will consume it.

HSR Layout in Bengaluru, Koramangala and Whitefield are the areas with the highest levels of butt pollution. We collected approximately 27,000 butts in January, of which 5,000 were in HSR Layout.

We also surveyed Indian smokers about how butts are made. Only two of 800 people knew the answer. We also collect data on the smokers’ smoking habits, disposal methods and where butts can be found in large numbers. Datta said that this will be done in all Tier-1 cities as it is where most of the pollution comes from.

How it works
To volunteer, contact Nirit Datta on Instagram/LinkedIn. Three weeks in advance, the 24-hour marathon collection drive will be announced. The drive starts at 6 AM on weekends. Members collect butts from various areas. They also collect data about smoking habits, disposal options, and analyse environmental degradation.

In thin air

Bengaluru-27,000 Butts (January 2022).

Most polluted areas: HSR Layout (Koramangala), Whitefield, and Electronic City

No. No.

Highest polluted areas are: Corporate offices, engineering schools, and pub areas

No. of volunteers:288

Total distance covered on foot: 3,000km

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