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Three whales were stranded in Corfu, raising alarm about seismic testing for fossil fuels. Environment| Environment
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Three whales were stranded in Corfu, raising alarm about seismic testing for fossil fuels. Environment| Environment

Environmental groups have linked the beaching in Corfu of three whales to seismic testing for oil or gas in the waters off the Greek Island.

Two Cuviers-beaked whales were found on the west coast of the island at Arillas (and Agios Gordios) beaches on 20 February. The next day, a third beaked whale was seen stranded on Agios Gordios’ beach.

It took over five hours for dozens of volunteers to use rudimentary ropes and hoist the whales back into the ocean, according to Nastazia Koronaki, a local vet who coordinated the rescue efforts.

While beached whales can be found in Greece, it is not unusual for three whales to become separated on the same coastline in such a short time. Koronaki stated that although this is not common, it is rare for three whales to become separated.

Although it isn’t clear what caused the whales and dolphins to become stranded on the coast, environmental groups suspect that the beachings were caused by SW Cook, an island ship. Commissioned bHellenic Petroleum is an oil company that has been conducting testing in Ionian Sea off Corfu coastline. This area includes the Hellenic trench, and the Ionian Sea archipelago. Important marine mammal zones.

Seismic testing is a method to find oil and gas. It involves continuously blasting seafloor with airguns to map fossil fuels below. These blasts can reach over 250 decibels. These sound levels can have a similar effect on marine mammals to a hammering. Bomb repeatedly going offAccording to the US non profit, the National Resources Defense Council they can’t flee their home every 10 seconds.

Research has shown that seismic testing can cause a wide range of adverse effects in marine animals. hearing impairment, difficulties With feedingAnd Interference with communication. Studies have shown that seismic testing and deep diving beaked whales can be linked. decompression sickness.

Nicolas Entrup (director of international relations at OceanCare) said that the whale beachings are probably just the tip of the Iceberg. Other animals, including whales, could have been hurt. Animals that are exposed to this loud sound could be killed or sink to bottom of the ocean.

Last month, the environmental organizations, along with other non profits, were represented by the two organisations. SubmittedThe prime minister of Greece requested that seismic testing be stopped until the cause for the whale beachings is established. Greenpeace also sent Rainbow Warrior III, its ship, to monitor SW Cook.

According to ReportsThe seismic surveys were stopped after the beachings, and the SW Cook has now left Greece,” said Dimitris Ibrahim (climate officer at WWF Greece).

Hellenic Petroleum declined to comment.

The beachings have raised awareness about the larger issue regarding oil and gas exploration in Ionian Sea. Photos and videos of the stranded whales quickly spread quickly via social media. Questions were also raised in parliament by the Syriza party, which is part of Greece’s opposition.

Environmental activists and workers in the tourism industry joined forces to protest Corfu. Giannis Gasteratos said that people are afraid because they live off tourism, and this could devastate the local economy.

The Ionian Sea is well-known for its depth and tectonically active nature, making any oil and gas extraction extremely dangerous.

Ibrahim stated that even if oil and natural gas were discovered, Greece would not be able to exploit them until 2030. It is insane that we are even thinking about extracting fossil fuels this far in the future. It is disastrous for the climate and makes no sense when viewed in the context the Paris agreement.

Ibrahim stated that the country’s environmental oversight has been seriously compromised over the last few years. He said that all that is needed for seismic testing is an environment action plan. This plan is private and does not require approval from the state or public consultation. The company is not required to publish it.

Greenpeace Greece spokesperson Kostis Grinanis said that seismic surveys are a death sentence for many marine species. He said: It is not right to jeopardize the marine environment, particularly for a country that relies on its azure waters for tourism. We must not allow oil and gas to be buried beneath the seafloor. Instead, we need to invest in renewables.

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