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Time to integrate education in the environment
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Time to integrate education in the environment

There is no better time than now to pursue environmental studies as a career choice.

There is no better time than now to pursue environmental studies as a career choice.

David Attenborough stated that climate change is the most serious threat to security humanity has ever faced. The Working Group Contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report from the IPCC [AR6 Report]It is clear that human activities have caused an unprecedented rise in global average temperature in at least 2000 years. The World Economic Forums Global Risks Report 2022 gives a similar warning. It identifies five of the 10 most severe environmental risks that will be present over the next ten years. India is highly vulnerable to extreme weather events and is already seeing severe and recurring floods as well as cyclones and droughts. In this context, AR6 Report points out that climate change’s impact on humans will only increase if existing business-as is continues.

Urgent response

Humans are now faced with a pressing need to address these challenges. This has had an impact on every field. Nearly all countries have committed to pursuing efforts to limit the temperature rise to 1.5C above preindustrial levels by the Paris Agreement. They are committing to more ambitious measures to combat the impacts of climate change in the form of Nationally Determined contributions. Global financial institutions are becoming more united to incorporate sustainability into their operations. Major corporations are being asked to disclose the impacts of their activities on the environment and nature as well as how they would be affected by the same. There is also a greater emphasis placed on reforestation and strengthening ecosystems as well as wildlife conservation.

All of these indicate that existing methods to address environmental problems will have to be drastically reformed in the direction towards ecosystem resilience and sustainability. This will increase the demand for specialists in climate change and environment.

There is no better time than now to pursue environmental studies as a career. The need to be more aware of the environment and have the knowledge and skills to meet the growing demands of corporations, individuals, and world leaders is greater than ever.

Take the energy industry, for example. Transitioning to low-carbon and renewable energy sources brings new jobs that require knowledge about the environmental impact of these technologies. The investments required to finance such transition is transforming the practices of banks, institutional investors and insurance-reinsurance companies, whose managers will now have to increasingly factor in physical and transitional risks associated with changing climate. Many developing and underdeveloped countries are aiming to attract investment to drive economic growth. This will increase the need for EIA specialists, conservationists, GIS technicians, and other professionals who can help ensure such sustainable growth. This is especially important in India, which hopes to become a $5 trillion economy within the next five years. The environment and climate change knowledge is one of the most in-demand skills over the next few years.

Domain knowledge

But job prospects are not the only reason to pursue sustainability studies. The mother of invention is necessity, and humanity needs solutions to deal with various environmental changes. But inventions can’t be made without knowledge of the environment or awareness of the looming crisis and its consequences. Green entrepreneurs are needed to meet human needs in a more sustainable and socially beneficial way. They will need to have the skills and knowledge related to climate change and environment.

No more worries for a father about his son’s career in wildlife photography. Globalization has brought about rapid changes and there is a growing demand for professionals who are knowledgeable and skilled in climate change and environmental studies. Not only are there great financial prospects, but you also have the added satisfaction of helping save humanity. Our planet cannot afford people who lack awareness of environmental issues. We need educated professionals to address the new challenges and provide solutions.

The writer is an Advisor, Centre for Environmental Law at WWF India.

A monthly column by WWF India

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