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Toyota launches the sale of C+pods, 2-seater C+pods that are environmentally-friendly to all customers in Japan
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Toyota launches the sale of C+pods, 2-seater C+pods that are environmentally-friendly to all customers in Japan

Toyota Motor Corp. has begun Selling the C+pod, an environmentally-friendly two-seater ultra-compact battery electric vehicle (BEV), to the public after launching it for select corporate and municipal customers last year.

The C+pod is smaller and lighter than a mini-vehicle, and was designed to be a mobility option for people who travel frequently with few passengers.

The target users are single, young drivers or older people who may be nervous about driving.

All vehicles will be available via lease contracts that allow casual C+pod usage while also ensuring comprehensive vehicle collections with proactive reduce, reuse, and recycle initiatives for onboard batteries.

Toyota’s goal to achieve carbon-neutrality within the mobility society is part of the C+pod.

Toyota will continue to offer a variety of mobility options, including C+walkT(3), to meet customers’ needs, regardless of their age or ability.

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