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Tracey Bucci was passionately involved in the environment
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Tracey Bucci was passionately involved in the environment

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Tracey Bucci turned her passion for the environment, and helping the homeless, into action.

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Ms. Bucci, who was 50 years old, was the president of the Grand River Environmental Group. She organized cleanups along the river, Mohawk Lake, and other areas around Brantford for almost 20 years. The cleanup evolved into an annual Grand River Environmental Festival that included a barbecue.

Tim Bucci, her husband, stated that she was passionate about the environment, and did numerous cleanups around the city.

He said that sometimes the mayor or city councillors would come out to flip burgers at the barbecue. Every year, there was a huge pile of garbage that parks or rec would pick up.

He noted that his wife was a person who is active.

She believed that if there was anything she could do, then she was her best self.

She founded the Brantford Guardian angels in 2018 with the goal of helping the homeless. The Angels collected gift cards, water, food, and sleeping bags from the homeless and visited them.

Ms. Bucci stated to The Expositor that no one should ever feel lost or alone in the world when she started the group.

Her husband said that Ms. Bucci cared deeply about people.

She had a lot empathy for others.

Ms. Bucci ran unsuccessfully in 2018 for a seat at Ward 1 on the city council. She cited as one of her concerns the need to encourage people to help each other in her campaign platform.

She said that she knew Brantford could be a better place to live. We have lost our compassion for each other and stopped working together in the midst everything.

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She was diagnosed with Stage 4 cervical carcinoma in July 2017. She was pronounced dead at the Stedman Community Hospice in Brantford. A funeral service took place on Saturday.

A social media post is encouraging a Freedom March in memory of Ms. Bucci. However, her husband stated that they did not contact the family.

Tracey was always respectful to others’ views but did not support radical approaches to any topic.

We are not part of any political agenda.

Ms. Bucci is survived by her husband, Christopher Berwick(Tristin Pattee), Jennifer Bucci-Josh Burr), Kyle Berwick, Jeffrey Bucci-Emily Bell-Ross), Samantha Berwick(Dylan Balicki), Sarah Berwick-Tyler Hunt) as well as five grandchildren.

Marie Berwick, her mother, and Ed, her brother, are the survivors.

The family requested that donations be made to the Juravinski Cancer Centre Foundation Hamilton.

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