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Tyrell launches cloud-based production system: “Making cloud simpler”
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Tyrell launches cloud-based production system: “Making cloud simpler”

'Making cloud simple': Tyrell launches cloud-based production environment

Tyrell Cloud provides media companies with a turnkey managed service that is tailored to their project workflow requirements.

Tyrell hopes to assist producers by launching its next-generation, fully automated virtual production environment, Tyrell Cloud.

According to the company Tyrell Cloud offers media companies a turnkey managed service that is based on their project workflow requirements. It also gives them instant access to solutions from multiple vendors.

EditShare FLEX is available for offline editing. AWS can be used to store files. FileCatalyst can be used to transfer files. Teradici can be used to control virtual workstations.

Tyrell Cloud enables customers to align their operational costs with their project cycles and start working on projects immediately within a fully cloud or hybrid environment,” said Tyrell managing director Bryan Malone.

“If you compare it to a physical on-prem installation, weve erected the building, put the racks in, populated racks with kit, connected the internet, wired the whole building, added user authentication, provided the workstations and the furniture and were handing over the keys. Each project has its own virtual infrastructure and workstations. Users can schedule projects to run when they are needed. It is a flexible and sustainable way of working.

According to the company, all members of production can access and manage content in Tyrell Cloud without needing any technical cloud skills. Remote editing of content in the cloud can be done by freelance editors via a server address.

Tyrell said it has achieved its goal to ‘make cloud simple’ byautomating system integration and providing users with the power to control when their resources run.

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