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UAE: New app to reward people who choose sustainable lifestyles – News
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UAE: New app to reward people who choose sustainable lifestyles – News

UAE: New app to reward users for making sustainable lifestyle choices - News

BAADR aims at reducing food waste, carbon emissions, and single-use items

Published:Mon 24 January 2022, 5:24 PM

Abu Dhabi has launched a unique mobile app that rewards residents and citizens who make sustainable lifestyle choices such as recycling consumer products to reduce waste, switching over to organic foods, or eating vegetarian meals.

Monday saw the launch of BAADR by Abu Dhabi Environment Agency (EAD) in partnership with Borouge, to help protect the Capital’s environment.

BAADR is an application that is free and aims to change the environment behaviours of Abu Dhabi youth and adults. It also puts them in the forefront of driving positive change.

BAADR is available for free on the Apple Play Store. It will also be available on Android at a later time. This app is the first to offer incentives for environmental actions and has more than 20 tasks to choose. It will reduce carbon emissions, food waste, and single-use item consumption, conserve energy, and encourage people to recycle and reuse their products.

BAADR, which is Arabic for “initiate”, is the latest programme from Sustainable Campus Initiative. It strengthens EADs’ long-standing partnership and is part of their vision to create a sustainable environment for a future.

BAADR will not only promote sustainability and increase environmental awareness but will also inspire youth and change their behaviours.

It will help people live a healthier lifestyle and explore new ways to save money like double-sided printing. You can also grow your own vegetables and fruits.

Earn points by using the app

Users can earn points through the easy-to-use app by completing tasks that relate to BAADRs seven environmental themes.

Some of the tasks that users can take on include switching to organic food or eating vegetarian meals for a day and looking for ways to reduce their water and electricity consumption.

You can also attend workshops and events to improve your environmental knowledge. BAADR will encourage you to walk or cycle to your destination for a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. Abu Dhabi Emirate allows people to bring their own cups, cups and containers to restaurants and cafes.

Users who upload a photo of their completed action using the app will receive points. These points will vary depending on each task. To redeem points, users will be able to visit any of the nine participating vendors located in Abu Dhabi who have partnered with EAD.

The BAADR app promotes environmental awareness

The app will also help raise awareness about the importance of the environment to the younger generation.

As part of its association to EADs outreach schools, universities programmes that partner strategically to ADEK and Ministry of Education. EAD will encourage the Sustainable Campus Initiative’s youth to use the app through engaging social media posts and work alongside Federal Youth Authority.

Khansa al Blouki, director for Environmental Outreach at Environment Agency Abu Dhabi said: Each of us has the responsibility to ensure that the environment is protected and preserved for future generations.

“We may not realize how much our consumption has an impact on our environment, but with greater importance placed on the environment than ever, we strongly believe that BAADR could be a catalyst for positive change in Abu Dhabi when it is comes to caring about our environment.


If we all use the app together and encourage others to use BAADR frequently, we can make a significant change in our lives and be more mindful about what we consume and how we behave – all of this can help create a better Abu Dhabi tomorrow.

Maitha al Marashi, vice president for Sustainability at Borouge said: This new application is very important because it encourages a shift in lifestyle. By adopting sustainable best practice of reusing consumer product to reduce waste, and cut carbon emissions, the new application is very important.

BAADR users can look forward to availing a wide range of rewards at popular destinations and establishments, which are adopting environmentally-friendly practices to reduce their impact on the earth.

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