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UN Environment Assembly endorses the reso to eliminate plastic pollution
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UN Environment Assembly endorses the reso to eliminate plastic pollution

UN Environment Assembly endorses reso to end plastic pollution

GLOBAL TRADEDelegates celebrated the adoption by the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) of a resolution on plastic pollution at the closing session of the five-year-old session. This was held in Nairobi, Kenya, on March 2, 20,22. The delegates adopted a resolution to make it possible to establish a legally binding global treaty to end plastic pollution by 2024 at the conclusion of the UNEA-5. (Xinhua/Dong Jianghui)

NAIROBI – The resumed fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly (UNEA-5) wrapped up on Wednesday with delegates adopting a resolution, which will pave the way for establishment of a legally binding global treaty by 2024 to end plastic pollution.


More than 3,400 people and 1,500 virtual participants came from 175 UN member States. The three-day forum was attended by more than 3,400 people.


Espen Barth Eide (the outgoing president of UNEA-5 and Norway’s minister for Climate and Environment) praised the unanimous endorsement of a resolution aimed at eliminating plastic pollution. He called it a landmark in the transition from a linear economy to a circular economy, claiming that it is a significant step towards a circular economy that promises jobs, ecological health, and human well-being.


“Plastic Pollution has become an epidemic. Today’s resolution means that we are now on track to find a cure,” Eide stated. He added that the treaty would address all aspects of plastic pollution, from the source to the end-users.


India, Peru and Japan proposed the resolution to eliminate plastic pollution during discussions at a global environment forum. They also discussed other pressing ecological issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, and climate change.


The resolution to end plastic pollution is being called the most important international environmental agreement since the 2015 Paris climate deal. It will also open a new chapter of circularity.


The historic resolution entitled “End Plastic Pollution: Towards a Internationally Legally Binding Instrument” creates an Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee. It will begin work in 2022 and aim to finalize a global legally binding agreement before 2024.


UN member states will now be required to address the entire lifecycle of plastics and the design of reusable or recyclable products and materials. They also need to foster technology transfer and knowledge sharing in order to increase the adoption of ecofriendly alternatives.


Inger Andersen is the UN Environment Programme’s executive director. She said that the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), which endorsed a resolution to encourage action on plastic trash, was a victory of multilateralism. It also reflects humanity’s quest for a clean and healthy planet.


“Today is a victory for planet earth over single-use disposable plastics. Andersen stated that it is the most significant multilateral environmental agreement since the Paris accord. “It is an insurance policy for this generation and future ones, so they may live with plastic and not be doomed by it.”


Andersen stated that, as the negotiations for a global treaty to end plastic pollution gather steam, multilateral institutions will work with governments and industry to find financing and technological tools to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.


UNEP statistics indicate that plastic production rose from 2,000,000 tons in 1950, to 348,000,000 tons in 2017, making it a formidable industry with a value of 522.6 billion U.S. Dollars.


UNEP estimates that approximately 11 million tons worth of plastic waste enter the oceans every year, threatening marine species, food security and livelihoods in coastal communities.


The shift towards a circular economy will reduce plastics entering the oceans by more 80 percent by 2040, decrease virgin plastic production by 55 per cent, and save governments 70 billion USD by 2040.


UNEP stated that plastic elimination will also reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 25% and create 700,000 additional jobs in the global South. (Xinhua)



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