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USF to Receive $75M for a New Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Facility
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USF to Receive $75M for a New Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Facility

USF set to receive $75M for new Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Facility

The Legislature has allocated $75 Million in its budget Budget proposal for the University of South Florida’s new Environmental and Oceanographic Sciences Research and Teaching Facility.

The Senate and House have reached a consensus for the budget. However, individual spending items are still subject the Governors veto pen. Last year Gov. Ron DeSantisIt was thought that he had a very light touch when $1.5 billion was taken from the $100 billion budget last year.

The university will use the funding to build the new facility on its St. Petersburg campus. AnnouncementThe project is expected to be completed by January. The center will be used to address “the existential challenges created by climate change, including sea level rise, high tide flooding events and other coastal hazards.” It will build on the university’s current College of Marine Science, and bring a variety of new undergraduate and graduate programs in the fields of environment, oceanography and sustainability.

The facility will not only provide state-of the-art research and instruction space for students in the colleges of Marine Science, Arts and Sciences, and Engineering, but it will also house Florida Flood Hub for Applied Research and Innovation, a priority advocated by the Florida House Speaker Chris Sprowls.

The funds will be used in the demolition of the northwest section of the Marine Science Complex at 830 1st St. South St. Pete and to build a new four story addition. The 80-year-old complex’s remaining parts would be renovated to provide space for research labs, teaching labs, and classrooms that can be used for new programs.

This innovative, groundbreaking center for excellence can be summarized in one word: Interim USF President. Rhea LawThe statement that announced the project said. It will make a significant difference for our students and faculty, as well as our community, and it is poised to make waves nationally and internationally.

According to the university’s website, the center’s research will be accessible to policymakers and planners as well as elected officials and the general population. The center plans to offer new degrees in coastal and ocean engineering, science journalism and a masters degree in business administration that focuses on sustainability and marine science-related companies.

The facility is expected produce tens of thousands of dollars in economic output annually.

According to the university the project’s total cost is $80.3million. USF will contribute at least $20million, as per the Florida Board of Governors.

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