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UWMadison will use staff surveys to better understand the workplace
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UWMadison will use staff surveys to better understand the workplace

UWMadison invites staff to take a survey to help them better understand campus work environments, and how employees feel about working at UW.

The UWMadison Staff Climate Survey 2022 will solicit feedback on a wide variety of topics, including remote work policies and compensation, as well as workplace respect and diversity efforts. From April 12 through May 3, it will be open to responses.

Provost Karl Scholz says that UWMadison should be a place where everyone feels welcome and can succeed. The survey results will help shape policies and practices that promote a workplace where everyone feels valued.

All permanent academic and university staff, as well as limited appointees not holding a faculty position and approximately 16,800 postdocs, will have access to the survey. Students and faculty members can also access other versions of this climate survey.

The purpose of the survey is to find out what the university is doing well, and where it can improve.

UWMadison’s success in the long term is directly linked to the success of each of our employees. Our employees must be seen as individuals first, as partners, friends, parents, and caregivers. Rob Cramer is interim vice chancellor of finance and administration.

You can take the staff climate survey in Chinese, English or Hmong, Nepali (Spanish), Tibetan (Tibetan), or in English. Survey responses are confidential. They will not be shared in a manner that could identify a person.

The UW Survey Center will email all permanent academic and university staff, as well as limited appointees who do not hold a faculty position and postdocs, a link to the survey.

For employees who are not comfortable using computers or don’t feel comfortable filling out surveys electronically, paper versions will be made available. Multilingual sessions hosted at Cultural Linguistic Services (CLS), April 20, 21, 26, and 27, will provide assistance and a paper survey. Employees who are unable to attend one or more of the help sessions may request a paper copy via email or phone. Please visit the Survey siteFor more information on the help sessions and how to request a copy in paper format, click here

Supervisors should allow employees to complete the survey during work hours and in their pay status. Thesurvey should take approximately 15 minutes.

The results will be shared in the fall and will be analyzed during this summer. For more information, please visit

The university has many ways to solicit feedback from its staff on campus issues. UWMadison carried out a survey of staff last fall. Climate survey among all students. This spring a survey This is Faculty membersThis is being done by the Women in Science & Engineering Leadership Institute.

The staff climate survey does not include the Administrative Quality Satisfaction Survey which all faculty, staff and postdoctoral graduate assistant employees received on February 2. Participants were asked to reflect on their experiences with eight types of administrative services.

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