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Volkswagen improves economic efficiency and cost efficiency in tough environments
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Volkswagen improves economic efficiency and cost efficiency in tough environments

In a difficult environment, we further improved our economic efficiency. This is a clear indication that Volkswagen has chosen a path that will result in a sustained improvement in its competitiveness as well as profitability through the ACCELERATE Strategy. Ralf Brandstter, Volkswagen CEO, said that we have laid a solid foundation for the accelerated transition to zero-carbon and fully connected mobility.

Continued focus on cost efficiency outlook in 2023 confirmed

Volkswagen continues to work hard at improving its cost efficiency. This includes further reducing its fixed expenses and overheads. This will allow Volkswagen to be more competitive in the long term. There are many challenges we face right now, including the rising commodity and energy prices, the effects of the Chinese pandemic and geopolitical uncertainty. These risks are being countered by our cost-cutting and improving the quality of our operational results in specific areas. Alexander Seitz, Volkswagen CFO, stated that we will still aim to achieve an operating return of sales of 6 percent by 2023. This forecast will be affected by the outcome of the war in Ukraine and, in particular, its impact on the global economy and the activities of Volkswagen brands. Both ICE models and electric models are in high demand.

Another sharp increase in the unit sales of all electric models

53,400 all electric vehicles (BEVs), were delivered within the first three months (+74%). The fully electric ID.41This is where the ID.4 plays a major role. An ID.4 was used in more than half of all electric vehicles. In total, 30,300 units were delivered to customers. Volkswagen is expanding its production capabilities for its most popular electric car. The Emden plant will begin series production of the ID.4, thereby increasing the production capacity for this highly-successful model. In the second half, the ID.4 will also be rolled off the Chattanooga production line in the United States. The entire ID is available in models. The ID continues to be in high demand with more than 120,000 customers placing orders. Models in Europe alone.
The European backlog reached an all-time high of 670,000 vehicles, across all drive types. The Group is working hard to keep delivery times as short as possible and to quickly process the large backlog of orders.

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