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Volunteers from the community are needed to conserve land.
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Volunteers from the community are needed to conserve land.

The 582-acre Elise M. Kummer Nature Preserve was created through the Little Traverse Conservancy in 2021. The new preserve is one of three new nature preserves protected in the eastern Upper Peninsula this past year.
The 582-acre Elise M. Kummer Nature Preserve was created through the Little Traverse Conservancy in 2021. The new preserve is one of three new nature preserves protected in the eastern Upper Peninsula this past year.

Little Traverse Conservancy’s slogan is Protecting the North Country We All Love. This is not only an organization’s promise, but a community member lives by it.

The Little Traverse Conservancy is now in its 50th year of serving the community. It owes its volunteers for the incredible amount of work they have been able accomplish.

Anne Fleming is the director of community outreach. She said that this community really cares about it because it’s such beautiful land and they want it stay that way.

Fleming says that 26 land protection programs were completed by the conservancy between 2021 and 2021. Twelve of these were new nature preserves. These additions were made to the thousands of acres already protected by Little Traverse Conservancy, which covers Charlevoix and Mackinac counties.

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