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Volunteers quit El Paso County Wildland Fire Management because of hostile work environment allegations
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Volunteers quit El Paso County Wildland Fire Management because of hostile work environment allegations

EL PASO COUNTY (KKTV), Colorado – There are some members of the El Paso County Wildland Fire Management groupRecently, he resigned due to allegations of a hostile working environment. The El Paso County Sheriffs Office is the department that oversees Wildland Fire Management. It claims that the information posted on a social media account was inaccurate and unauthorized.

The team is made up highly-trained individuals that are available 24/7 to assist in the suppression of fires. The team has been in existence for 26 years and provides major mitigation efforts in the county and surrounding areas. The crew also assisted with the Black Forest Fire and Waldo Canyon Fire. It is not clear how many people resigned.

They claimed that the environment had become hostile to volunteers and that they felt no longer needed or wanted. The Sheriff received a letter detailing their grievances. A tweet from someone with access to EPC Wildland’s Twitter account reads:

The El Paso County Sheriff’s Office responded to the tweet. You can read their statement below.

The announcement was made by the EPC Wildland Fire twitter account on Friday afternoon.

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