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Water samples are used to collect environmental DNA for monitoring whales Earth.
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Water samples are used to collect environmental DNA for monitoring whales Earth.

Conservation is becoming more common through the use of eDNA (or environmental DNA). DNA found in the environment was used to identify endangered turtles in Vietnam. It was also used in highly demanding environments like the Amazon or Mt. Everest. 

Three universities and the University of California, Berkeley collaborated with researchers to monitor the endangered populations of whales and dolphins. Wildlife Conservation Society(WCS), have turned to eDNA taken from water samples. This method can be used together with other monitoring methods such as acoustic survey. It is possible that eDNA will one day be used to identify individual animals. 

Protecting dolphins and whales requires more care and monitoring. Potential threats to whales are being made by the Biden administration and the state of New York, where the study was done. These threats are in addition to whaling, pollution, strikes with ships, and fishing gear.

Environmental DNA could be another tool to help protect and understand whales and dolphins. WCS has already begun to develop guidelines for wind power to make it as dolphin and whale-friendly as possible.       

Determining how cetaceans and other threatened marine animals use coastal habitats is critical to their effective conservation,” said study lead author Dr. Elizabeth Alter of California State University.

“By generating eDNA data in parallel with survey data, it will be possible to gain a clearer understanding of how this tool can be used in management and conservation contexts to monitor species of conservation concern over large marine ecosystems.

Not only can eDNA be used to detect whales or dolphins, but also some of their prey species such as fish. Monitoring whales, dolphins, or smaller animals can help you understand the condition of different populations and the habitats that they prefer. 

Howard C. Rosenbaum, coauthor of the study and senior scientist at NY Aquarium is the director WCSs Ocean Giants Program.

Innovation and application of new techniques, such as the possibility of using eDNA, that leads to having better information about distribution of whales, dolphins and their prey is so important today, especially where potential impacts in these habitats may be increasing human activities,” said Dr. Rosenbaum.

The journal publishes the research. Frontiers

By Zach Fitzner, Earth.comStaff Writer

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