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Webinar: How to Future-Proof Your Laboratory Informatics Environment
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Webinar: How to Future-Proof Your Laboratory Informatics Environment

Many laboratory informatics environments require many applications with different functions. Examples include sample management, instrument control and data acquisition and interpretation. Although the main purpose of informatics applications is to meet regulatory compliance, data integrity objectives, hybrid systems can pose significant challenges for laboratories.

A laboratory automation/digitisation strategy, alongside senior management support, funding and resourcing, is crucial for defining the steps required to automate the laboratory over several phases. This webcast will highlight ways to ensure that your investments into laboratory informatics applications are sound, long-lasting.

 Register for this webinar to learn more:  

  • Senior management support is crucial for your laboratory automation strategy
  • Automated processes must be mapped and simplified
  • The importance of business efficiency and compliance with regulatory/data integrity regulations
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