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[Webinar] Perrin Conferences, LLC| Perrin Conferences, LLC
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[Webinar] Perrin Conferences, LLC| Perrin Conferences, LLC

January 19th, 2022

2:00 PM ET – 3:30PM ET

This webinar is free and open to all. It will be held on Wednesday, January 19, from 2:00 to 3:30 PM ET. Get CLE credit for diversity and inclusion ethics

Fostering a diverse, equitable and inclusive work environment that is sustainable and ethical.


Complimentary registration includes diversity & inclusion ethics CLE credit CLE credit is available in one state. It will be available in California (Illinois), New Jersey, New York (New York), Pennsylvania (and Texas).

If you’d like to buy Additional states may be eligible for CLE creditsThere will be a $75 per state CLE cost.

For more information about registration, contact Amy Williams at [email protected].

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