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Why boycotting palm oil won’t help save the environment
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Why boycotting palm oil won’t help save the environment

Why Boycotting Palm Oil Wont Help Save the Environment

This article was sponsored and funded by RSPO.

IWe have all heard the expression, “You are what your eat”, which aims to emphasize the importance and importance of healthy eating. This saying is not limited to just healthy eating. Consumption of any type of food reflects who you want to be.

Your choices of cereal and shampoo are directly tied to you. Your environment is also connected to you.

The world is a complex web of interconnected consequences that are influenced and influenced by our choices. The classic example of this phenomenon can also be found in your local grocery shop, philosophy aside. Each time you buy toothpaste or chips, you make a choice that will have greater impact. The impact on the rainforests of Indonesia, endangered species like Rhinoceros, Orangutan, Sumatran Tiger, or Orangutan, or even human rights violations by plantation workers could all be affected in this case.

It seems like a stretch. Let us tell you why it isn’t.

A sustainable global solution

Mass consumption products like toothpaste, soap, biscuits, bread, chocolate, etc. There is a common ingredient, palm oil, that is the primary ingredient. It has been criticized for causing deforestation, polluting, human rights violations, and endangering wildlife species. It is still the most widely used edible oils in the world.

A report in the Journal of Palm Oil Production sheds more light on the actual impacts of palm oil cultivation. The ConversationIt is clear that, while agriculture is the most significant cause of deforestation worldwide, oil palm plantations account only for 8%. According to the study, oil palm deforestation accounts for only 2.3% of 239 million hectares lost in forests between 1990 and 2008. A third of the oil crops have a lower yield than oil palms.

Booting the oil palm crop is not an option. The oil palm plant is a simple plant. It should not be grown with such severe consequences. It happens because of unsustainable and exploitative palm oil production practices.

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil was established in 2004 to address the urgent global demand for sustainably produced palm oils. The RSPO unites stakeholders from the seven sectors of the palm oil industry – oil palm producers, palm oil processors and traders, consumer goods manufacturers, retailers, banks and investors, environmental or nature conservation non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and social or developmental NGOs – to develop and implement global standards for sustainable palm oil production.

RSPOs strict standards ensure that oil palm farming coexists harmoniously and supports the welfare of local communities, as well as the environment. Growing sustainable palm oil requires ten times less land than other vegetable oils. Sustainable palm oil farming is a reliable source of income for millions smallholder farmers. It has high production efficiency, low cost-effectiveness and is highly profitable.


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This information is not only useful for consumers, but it also assists in making informed decisions. RSPO and The Better India have launched the #KnowYourPalm initiative, which encourages consumers, businesses, and other stakeholders to make a conscious choice to switch to products that use Certified Sustainable Palm Oil.

One way to do this is to check the ingredients list of any palm oil products and recognize the use. Palm oil is known by many names, including Palm Kernel Olein, Palm Kernel Stearin or (PKS), Palm Kernel Olein, Palm Kernel Olein, Palm Kernel Stearin or (PKS), Palmate, OPKO, Organic Palm Kernel Oil, Sodium Laureth Sulphate and Palmitate (Vitamin A/Ascorbyl Palmitate) as well as Sodium Lauryl Sulphates.

The next step after you have identified one of these ingredients is to find out if the brand uses palm oils that have been produced and sourced sustainably. This includes creating environmentally responsible policies, production strategies, and product releases. Some brands also use the RSPO trademark to identify sustainable palm oil in their products.

This global solution is being worked on by more than 5,000 stakeholder groups, which includes multinational companies from 101 countries. You can also be a part. Do your part and Take the pledgeTo demand sustainable palm oil products that are RSPO certified and to spread the word.

Here’s a quiz to help you learn more about sustainable oil palm.

Quiz questions:

Is palm oil more economical than other edible vegetable oil in terms of production and price?
a) Yes b: No

Palm oil is found in 50% of your grocery items. Are you unsure if this oil is sustainable?
a) Yes, tell me more

c. Unsustainable cultivation practices for edible oil often lead directly to deforestation. Are you concerned that sustainable palm oil could cause more deforestation then edible oils like soybean and rapeseed?
Yes, b) No

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