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Why education systems should incorporate environmental ethics into every subject
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Why education systems should incorporate environmental ethics into every subject

nigerian school
nigerian school
Credit: Unsplash/CC0 public domain

One of the GoalsThe education for sustainable development is the most important issue that the majority of the world has agreed upon. This is development that takes into account the future while preserving current concerns. Education that looks after the future and the present is the best way to develop nations.

As I have argued in a PaperConcerning environmental ethics in education, I believe that all aspects of education should incorporate the principles and ideas for sustainable development and consumption. These ideas should be incorporated into every course or subject of the school curriculum. Education should equip future leaders with the critical thinking skills they need to thrive in a changing society facing serious climate change challenges. Every profession and every livelihood has an impact upon the environment.

For ‘edutainability,’

Schools in Nigeria are not focusing on sustainable consumption as part sustainable development. My call is for “edutainability.” This idea I derived from a combination education and sustainability. It is based upon the gap I see in education for sustainable development. This neglects the consumption side, which adversely affects the environment.

Edutainability emphasizes that every subject must include ideas about sustainable development and consumption.

I believe that knowledge about sustainable consumption and development should not be restricted to the sciences and technology. Nearly every human action has an impact on sustainability and the environment in some way.

Edutainability can also be considered part of environmental ethics. Environmental ethicsIt is a branch in applied philosophy that studies the conceptual basis of environmental values. It also examines issues related to societal attitudes, actions and policies in order to preserve and sustain biodiversity and ecological system. It applies ethical thinking to the natural environment and the relationship between humans, the planet Earth, and it’s members.

The earlier children are taught to ask questions and reflect about the environment and its effects on them, the more they will be able to foster a sense of care and concern for it.

Children are curious and open to learning about their environment. This is what philosophy could do at the primary and secondary school levels. It would help children to think clearly and enable them to become involved in policy and debate. As UNESCO It’s calledEducation that promotes sustainable development empowers citizens to make informed decisions and to take responsible actions for the protection of the environment, economic viability, justice, and security of future generations.

It is not enough for people to tell them what to do to preserve the environment. Children must be able to see the interconnectedness of nature and humans. They must understand their environmental rights. These include the right of children to inherit a healthy environment and the right and right to food, water and shelter. They must also be aware that climate change will affect their enjoyment and exercise of these rights.

Recent examples include Flooding in Nigerian partsThis is one reason to incorporate environmental ethics into the country’s educational system (and elsewhere in Africa). Children are still at risk from flooding, as they were the main victims. Children should also be aware of the dangers of drought in Sahel. Children should be able to distinguish between natural and human-made disasters.

They should also be able understand the political nature climate change and the actions of their different governments in order to secure their future. They must be prepared for when it is time to take control.

Everyone is a consumer

It is not enough to teach students in science and technology departments environmental ethics and philosophy. This would limit the view and focus only on the producers (the people who work in these two sectors), while neglecting the end users.

Certain pest control chemicals can be safe and sustainable, but improperly applying or disposing of them could pose a threat to sustainability.

My view is that all courses and subjects must address how to ensure and support sustainable development and consumption. All academic research must include a section on sustainable consumption and development from the perspective of the discipline.

Producers can be greatly influenced by the choices of consumers. Everyone is a buyer.

Students who co-op can play an even bigger role in the advancement of the Sustainable Development Goals by United Nations

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The Conversation

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Why education systems must incorporate environmental ethics in every subject (2022, 21 January)
Retrieved 21 January 2022

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