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Winter and the built environment
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Winter and the built environment

Although winter is inevitable, it still feels like a surprise every year. Anjulie Rao, an architecture journalist, describes winter as a time of reflection, reevaluation and transformation.

Rao is fascinated by winter and has started a small publication about it. This grand experiment will have a biweekly publishing schedule that follows the length of the season from December 21, 2021 to March 30, 2022.

Through Weathered,Substack is a platform that hosts newsletters. Rao commissions reporting and essays on winter from all backgrounds. Newsletters have become increasingly popular among writers with unconventional interests or underrepresented perspectives in recent years. Weathered was one of the first Chicago-based indie newsletters. With the ambition of publishing new voices, it is also one of the most popular. It is supported by subscriptions starting as low as $5 per month, and a grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts that will help writers and illustrators.

Weathered has published two editions and attracted nearly 400 subscribers. The most recent edition of Weathered was a MeditationMarianela DAprile, writer, on the New York subways and the injustices that force the homeless to take refuge in them. Other planned pieces include a profile about an urban arborist and a report from northern California’s controlled burn areas.

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