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World Wildlife Day presents an opportunity for children to care for the environment
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World Wildlife Day presents an opportunity for children to care for the environment

World Wildlife Day Presents Opportunity For Kids To Care For Environment

World Wildlife Day is here and it offers kids the chance to take care of the environment and wildlife. This generation of children is more aware about climate change, pollution, conservation, and the effects of poor environmental choices over time, but they may not be aware of how they can make an effect to change this. Children can make a difference if their parents are able to provide them with the knowledge and tools they need to make a difference. This is something kids will learn from an early age. Take care of the environmentWildlife and conservation for a lifetime.

This generation of children will be affected by the environment in a way that is different from any previous generation. It is crucial that children learn how to protect the environment and also how to improve what they have. This is when children make conservation a priority. They see that many species and faunas will be lost forever without any change, and the implications of that happening not only for the present but also for the future. The more children learn about the environment early, the greater their impact on it throughout their lives.

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World Wildlife Day gives children an opportunity to take care of the environment.

What is World Wildlife Day?

what world wildlife day is
via Flickr/Ron mader

1973 saw the birth of CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora). It came into effect after 183 countries signed an agreement, according the NOAA FisheriesThe statement stated that the international trade in animals would not compromise their ability to survive in the wild.

To raise awareness of the need for wild animals to survive, the United Nations General Assembly created a resolution naming March 3rd UN World Wildlife Day. This resolution was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. CITES SecretariatWorld Wildlife Day is the “most important annual global event dedicated to wildlife.”

Each year, World Wildlife Day has a theme. The themes have varied over the years, from “Listen to young voices” to “Sustaining all living things on earth,” “It’s now time to get serious regarding wildlife crime,” and many more.

2022’s World Wildlife Day theme is “Recovering important species for ecosystem rehabilitation.”

This theme is fitting considering the damage ecosystems have suffered over the past few years due to natural disasters such as fire, drought, floods and pollution.

How children can get involved with World Wildlife Day

Many children feel that there is nothing they can do about the environment and wildlife. They feel small and insignificant.

However, if they are armed with knowledge and make changes in their lives, it will have a trickle-down effect on others who also make changes. The snowball effect that kids will have can lead to big changes.

There are many ways children can get involved in World Wildlife Day.

  • Do activities that are related to the theme
  • Find out which animals are in danger locally to help their habitats
  • Social media can be used to spread awareness about the day
  • Visit zoos and aquariums to see animals, as well as farms and other attractions.
  • Volunteer

According to CITES SecretariatChildren can talk to their teachers about activities related to World Wildlife Day. This helps spread the message about how important it is to save animals and the ecosystems within which they live.

Why kids want to get involved

why kids get involved in wwd
Flickr/World Wildlife Day

Children will be motivated to take part in World Wildlife Day, as it is their future that will be affected if there isn’t immediate action to save wildlife species from extinction.

According to the United NationsNearly 30,000 species of flora or fauna are listed as “endangered” or “vulnerable.” According to the publication, more than one million animal and plant species could be extinct if they don’t make any changes.

Kids can show that they care about the fate and future of the planet by getting involved locally, sharing the word via social media, volunteering, or other means. It does not mean that children will follow the same path as those who came before them. They can, however, turn the tide by their efforts. When this happens, plants, animals, and their ecosystems can be saved. This helps make the planet healthier and cleaner for children as they age.

It is important for children to get involved with World Wildlife Day

Although children are aware of the threat to their environment, according to The National Wildlife FederationChildren are less likely to spend time outdoors to see the consequences of their poor choices over the past few decades. In this way, World Wildlife Day can inspire children to love being outdoors. The most important thing is to help nature be protected.

Many adults today will not be able to see the positive effects that positive changes can have on the ecosystems and animals. They can help their children make these positive changes happen by getting them involved. They can save endangered animals and plants that could endanger the entire ecosystem.

It is crucial that children are involved in the fight to save the planet. The fight for the planet began decades ago, when it became clear that animal and plant life were suffering. It is now up to the younger generations of people to continue this fight for life on Earth for as long as they can.

Source: NOAA Fisheries, CITES Secretariat, CITES Secretariat, United Nations, The National Wildlife Federation

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