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22 people were killed in a 5.5 magnitude earthquake in China’s Yunnan region
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22 people were killed in a 5.5 magnitude earthquake in China’s Yunnan region

Local authorities reported that at least 22 people were hurt in the 5.5 magnitude earthquake that struck Ninglang, southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on Sunday.

According to state-run Xinhua news agency, the earthquake struck at 3.02 pm. Its epicenter was approximately 60 km from Ninglang, the county seat, in the city Lijiang, as well as 3 km from the nearest township, Yongning.

Ninglang’s publicity department stated that there were a few tiles from village dwellings that could be seen at the scene.

The report stated that the affected area, which has a seismic intensity of more than six degrees, covers 1,389 kilometers. It is home to 24,000 residents.

Ninglang’s fire brigade sent four vehicles with 15 people to the epicentre of the disaster to investigate it.

A search-and rescue team of 60 members has been also assembled and dispatched.

(This story was not edited by Devdiscourse staff. It is generated automatically from a syndicated feed.

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