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$294K given to nine Tri-City environment, safety group
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$294K given to nine Tri-City environment, safety group

The Coastal Partners in Conservation Society has helped to preserve animals such as western painted turtles and is one of nine non-profits that are receiving funds.

You won’t be surprised to see more painted turtles at places like Coquitlam’s Mundy Park.

The Coastal Partners in Conservation Society is a PoCo non-profit that works in local ecosystem preservation. It is one of nine Tri-Cities organizations that receive money from the provincial government’s gaming grants. 

Coastal Partners recently completed a project to build a nesting beach for the western painted turtles that make Lost Lake in the park their home.

The combined total distributed to all the organizations is $294,000.

“These grants help non-profit organizations in our community continue environmental conservation and the life-saving emergency work people rely on,” said Coquitlam-Burke Mountain MLA Fin Donnelly in a statement provided to the Tri-City News.

Environmental conservation, education and outreach, as well as public safety initiatives, were the themes for the new grant distribution.

Coquitlam Search and Rescue (SAR) received a good chunk of change to improve upon its land and marine service teams at $100,000 — the highest amount granted to the local community organizations.

“They work with us to keep us safe outside and protect and restore watersheds, keeping communities safe,” Donnelly stated.

The Tri-City Tri-City recipients in B.C. The following are the gaming grants (in alphabetical order)


  • British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society
    • $7,000
    • Outreach and education in the environment
  • Coquitlam Search and Rescue Society
    • $100,000
    • Search and rescues on land and at sea
  • Coquitlam Search and Rescue Society
  • Rivershed Society of British Columbia
    • $25,000
    • Outreach and education in the environment
  • Canadian Ski Patrol System – Greater Vancouver Zone
    • $22,500
    • Safety on trails and in recreation
  • Communities Embracing Restorative Action (CERA) Society
    • $60,000
    • Public safety and prevention of crime
  • Green Bricks Education Society
    • $31,000
    • Outreach and education in the environment


  • Coastal Partners in Conservation Society
    • $26,000
    • Ecosystem conservation


  • Tri-Cities Off Road Cycling Association

More than 250 organizations across B.C. were involved in the project. Funds were awarded to groups that have a public safety or environment focus today (Jan. 28, 2018).

“This funding helps not-for-profit organizations continue to provide vital programming and supports to people so they can thrive and feel safer and healthier in their communities,” explains Josie Osborne, minister of municipal affairs.

“We support local organizations that are dedicated to a wide variety of activities that enhance and improve the environment and public safety, such as search and rescue, restorative Justice, conservation and wildlife preservation, and many more.”

Every year, the provincial government spends revenue from commercial gaming on essential programs and services in B.C. communities.

With a Janis Clleugh file

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