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3 warning signs of a toxic workplace
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3 warning signs of a toxic workplace

This dvm360 interview with the vice president of operations at Thrive Pet Healthcare outlines the signs of a toxic environment in the veterinary clinic.

Bridget Rollins EMBA is the vice president of operations for Thrive Pet Healthcare. She says that every individual’s definition of a toxic workplace will differ due to their unique personalities. In this interview with dvm360, she mentioned that there are some common indicators of this type workplace. These include culture, introspection and more.

For the whole discussion, please see the video below. Below is a partial transcript.

Bridget Rollins EMBA: Culture, first and foremost can indicate a toxic work environment. This is what it looks like. What are your constant thoughts and feelings when you’re at work every day? Are they usually more negative? Is it difficult? What are the rules in that hospital regarding interpersonal relationships? How do people interact with each other? This is what I mean when talking about culture.

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