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60 Chickens accuse Gonzo of Creating Toxic Work Environments on Muppet Show
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60 Chickens accuse Gonzo of Creating Toxic Work Environments on Muppet Show

LOS ANGELES 60 chickens are part of the flock that works on the The Muppet ShowA number of incidents involving inappropriate comments and unwelcome plucking have been reported by anonymous sources.

According to a representative for the aggrieved birds, the so-called Great Gonzo made frequent comments on how delicious the legs of chickens looked on a regular basis. This was through a chicken translation tool developed by Dr. Benson Honeydew at Muppet Labs. During musical numbers, he would always sing solos for chickens with the most tender breasts. He would always hold up a feather drier and say, “You know what that is?” The last chicken to object was

Gonzo allegedly fired chickens out of a 17th-century cannon repeatedly in an attempt to retrieve the toilet he had mistakenly glued to the ceiling during Muppet Show rehearsals. This was a particularly disturbing incident. Gonzo reportedly made a snide remark to the chicken after one of the chickens heads got lodged in the toilet.

Gonzo refused to comment when pressed. He claimed that the toilet incident could be considered standard workplace behavior for the Muppet Show. Cannons are not dangerous in the workplace. Since the 1970s, I have used that cannon to blast my head to sleep every night. Don’t you think it would cause brain damage? I beg your pardon, but I must now perform the bagpipes on a tightrope over a tank full enraged sharks.

Camilla Gonzos long-term girlfriend claims that the chickens accusing Gonzo of being jealous are just jealous.

The Muppet ShowIt is a family and an American heritage, and those fairweather chickens should be deep-fried because they tried to destroy that legacy. Camilla said this again through Dr. Honeydews translator. They would be singing in a Boston Market if Gonzo had not given them the opportunity. They should be grateful for that beautiful whatever he is.

Muppet Studios has announced that they will no more broadcast their classic segment, where Gonzo rides his motorcycle over a bridge made of chickens, as a way to be sensitive to the Muppet Chicken community during the ongoing investigation.

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