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assessing environmental harm – The Rider News
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assessing environmental harm – The Rider News

By Kayley Tezbir

Most college students have very little disposable income, as the old saying goes. Where do college students turn to for new clothes, Cranberry and White attire, or to simply update their wardrobes? We will often choose to purchase cheap clothing from high-end brands such Asos, Shein, ROMWE and other retailers that offer trendy, affordable clothing. These fast fashion companies may be able to help college students stay on top of the latest trends while they cost less. However, they can also create a lot of environmental damage in the countries they are manufactured.

Fast fashion clothing items are garments that are quickly produced in large quantities, and that can often be worn only once. These items are cheap for both the manufacturer and the consumer, but they are not made to last long. Fast fashion companies often have their operations in developing countries, such as China, India and Bangladesh. This is done to reduce costs and maximize profits. These countries have very few environmental regulations. The pollution and emissions created by fast fashion businesses can be devastating to the local communities. Grace Ganz wrote in 2020 Borgen Magazine that the combination of pollution and emissions from clothing dyes, chemicals, and other wastes created by these companies can lead to environmental poverty. 

A 2012 ScienceDirect article by Lee Lie, defines environmental poverty as the lack of the healthy environment needed for society’s survival and development as a direct result of human-induced environmental degradation. You might be wondering what the fast fashion industry does to contribute to environmental poverty. For example, the Noyyal River runs over 3,500 kilometers through India. This river is polluted by chemicals, dyes, and other wastes from the textile industry to the point that it froths as it flows.

Despite the pollution, the river is intended to support at least two million people. This means that the river is used by at least two million people to provide water for their daily needs. Going back to the definitions of environmental poverty, the Noyyal River illustrates the extent of destruction that can be done. Low production costs lead to companies choosing to locate manufacturing here, which further pollutes the environment and furthers the divide between developing and developed countries. 

Deutsche Welles youtube videos India: How our clothes can cause water pollution. This video was posted to the channel DW Planet A and it was made by Prithiviraj Sinnathambi, a social activist. He said that bleaching and dyeing are not allowed in developed countries as they don’t want their water to be polluted. There will be a quick reaction from corporations if somebody raises the problem of pollution in Europe or North America. What point does this become an economic opportunity? 

There are many ways you can stop supporting these practices as a college student. Faith Patterson, a senior in health sciences, stated that sustainable clothes are not always affordable and that affordable clothes are often not sustainable. As a college student, I can’t afford expensive sustainable clothing, so I try to thrift as often as possible to promote sustainable and affordable practices.

Kerrie Sendall, a Rider professor, taught the course Sustainable Fashion – Is it Possible? The following is what Kerrie Sendall, a Rider professor, said about thrift stores: Check the tags and make sure to only buy clothing made of 100% cotton, linen, and other non-synthetic materials. And [in general]Climate Neutral provides information that will help you identify companies that are worth your investment. Some of my new favorites are Ministry of Supply and Toad & Co, and I can’t forget my old standby Patagonia.

You can also avoid fast fashion by being mindful of what clothes you buy. You should choose clothes that can be worn repeatedly over very trendy clothes. Or, if you really want that bright top, wait for two weeks and then buy it if you still desire it.

If you have the extra cash to spend, there are companies who are making strides in the right direction. Patagonia, for example, is part of 1% For The Planet and donates 1 percent of its annual profits annually to grassroot organizations. Ten trees are planted by tentree for every item sold. To date, the brand has planted more than 72 million trees. Are you looking for new activewear? The brand Girlfriend Collective offers a sustainability report on every item they sell.

This week is clothing & textiles week in Campus Race 2 Zero Waste. It’s a national campus recycling awareness program. For more information about sustainable textiles, visit the @broncsgogreen Instagram account and TikTok at @RiderLawEcoReps Facebook page.

Kayley Tezbir

Campus Eco Rep

Original publication in the 3/2/22 edition.

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