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Environment Canada warns that spring weather won’t arrive quickly.
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Environment Canada warns that spring weather won’t arrive quickly.

The old saying goes that March should come in like a Lion and then go out like a Lamb. But what happens if March 1 is neither lion-like nor lamb-like?

For example, what happens if the morning of March 1 is sunny and calm, but still -23 degrees Celsius?

David Phillips, Senior Climateologist at Environment Canada, jokes that “I would describe today like more of frozen mutton type of day.”

Phillips claims that the old saying “The only way to get rich is by getting rich” is not always true.

“I have seen March roar in, roar out.” He said, “I’ve seen it baa out and baa in.” “So, I don’t believe that little weather ditty has any merit.”

Phillips released his spring outlook for southern Manitoba on Tuesday. Phillips warns Manitobans against putting away their winter parkas. Phillips calls for March to be cooler than normal in this part of Manitoba. He says there is good reason.

Phillips explained that temperatures will take longer to rise because of all the white snow still on ground. The average high for this time of year is -4. Environment Canada says that we could reach that temperature next Saturday.

Phillips claims that the sun’s rays reflect off white snow and go back into space, without warming the ground. He says that the ground can absorb radiation once the snow has melted and there is some dark soil.

Phillips calls for a colder March than usual, but he reminds us that the average March temperature is seven to eight degrees higher than February. So even if March ends up being a little colder than normal, it could still be much warmer than last month.

He also stated that we already see an additional three minutes of daylight each day. It is also noticeable because the sun is higher in the sky.

He explains, “When you’re walking along the streets, you can feel that heat in March, where it wasn’t in January or Feb.”

Phillips points out that just because March is expectedly colder than usual, it does not necessarily mean that spring will be colder. Phillips notes that April and May should be the exact opposite. The end result should be a normal spring in terms of temperatures south Manitoba.

Phillips believes that we will see more snow than usual in the coming days. He points out that snow is forecast for a few days this week. Phillips claims that the snowfall in southern Manitoba is usually about one-quarter of what it gets after March 1. Phillips claims that at this time of year, you will get more Colorado Lows with higher water content.

Phillips believes that the winter turned out exactly as they predicted. Phillips claims that January and February both had 11 days when the temperature fell below -30, despite winter being absent from action until December. February ended up being seven degrees colder that normal, making it one of the coldest Februarys in 43 years. All of the Alberta Clippers contributed to making this one of the snowiest winters in history since 1963.

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