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Why education for girls is so important in the fight against climate changes

[ad_1] The second week of the Glasgow climate change conference has begun. Tuesday, November 9,…

More than 40 countries pledge to reduce emissions from their health industries

[ad_1] More than 40 countries have pledged to cut greenhouse-gas emissions across their health systems,…

[Graphic News] 93.7% of S. Koreans consider climate crisis ‘serious’: survey

[ad_1] Nearly 94 percent of South Koreans consider the climate crisis “serious,” but only half…

Science | Science | News

[ad_1] Professor Rob MacKenzie, and Professor Christine Foyer, wrote an article for The Conversation arguing…

More than 40 nations pledge to cut emissions from their health sectors

[ad_1] More than 40 countries have pledged to cut greenhouse-gas emissions across their health systems,…

It is urgent that funds are available to combat the climate crisis

[ad_1] Diver Everton Simpson is carrying pieces of staghorn coral from a nursery that will…

An insider’s look at the Glasgow climate summit – talks intensify, amid grandstanding and anger outside

[ad_1] Young people poured into the streetsGlasgow, Nov. 5, 2021. As angry and impatient as…

Eureka, Calif. shows rural America ready to fight climate crisis
Eureka, Calif. shows rural America ready to fight climate crisis – People’s World

[ad_1] The scene in Eureka California, Nov. 2, where 100 people took to the streets…

How can Australia tackle its emissions problem? Our universities have the know-how that we need

[ad_1] Australia has been slow to joinThe global shift towards low emissions and decarbonisation. The…

Climate Crisis News| Climate Crisis News

[ad_1] North Africa and the Middle East is already the hottest region on the planet.…