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By The Citizen Reporter

It is clear that the Revolutionary Government of Zanzibar has adopted the blue economic system for all-inclusive socioeconomic growth. Dr Hussein Ali Mwinyi, President and Chairman, of the Revolutionary Council, has already established the Zanzibar Development Vision 2050. The Blue Economy Policy was also put into place. The Zanzibar government is currently working on a Blue Economy Strategy that will ensure sustainable economic growth.

Blue economy is generally defined as the prudent and efficient exploitation of the marine environment to develop. It also includes the preservation of and regeneration of the (marine). The exploitation can include the traditional fisheries, aquaculture or maritime/coastal transportation, tourism, and the provision and maintenance of ecosystem services. It can also include marine-related extractives such as seabed mining, bioprospecting, and so on. and renewable energy generation.

Currently, ocean resources are estimated to contribute up to five percent to the global gross domestic product (GDP), and up to thirty percent to Zanzibar’s GDP. They also employ about one-third the Spice Islands labour force, mainly on coastal and marine activities.

However, ensuring that the blue economy’s potentials are properly and efficiently utilised on a sustainable basis is not an easy task is a matter of course. There are many obstacles that must be overcome to ensure sustainable preservation and restoration of the marine environment.

These include, but not limited to: harmful human activities; insufficient financial resources; skills gaps and institutional capacity.


Overcome challenges

The President Hussein Ali Mwinyi government is determined to overcome the challenges and embrace the blue economy system effectively as a vehicle in sustainable development. It is working closely alongside development partners such as Uongozi Institute and the UN Environment Programme. On June 12, the Zanzibar government convened a forum with the theme Blue Economy for Socioeconomic Development and Environmental Conservation in Zanzibar through its Ministry of Blue Economy and Fisheries.

High-ranking decision-makers from the private sector, development partners, academia and academia participated in the Forum. They discussed the potential for the blue economy in the Zanzibar archipelago, which has more than 50 islands.

The discussion included effective management practices that the Isles could adopt and an evaluation of the unique benefits and implications for the development of the Blue Economy Strategy in Zanzibar. According to observers, President Hussein Ali Mwinyi was the Forums Chairman and was called Champion of the Blue Economy. He reportedly highlighted the numerous opportunities for Zanzibar and included aquaculture, seaweed farming, maritime infrastructure, maritime trade, and coastal and maritime tourism.

Fair enough. We can confidently say, even though we commend President Mwinyi’s tireless efforts to transform the Zanzibar economic system, that they are doing so for the best.

However, we stress the importance of fully researching every aspect of blue economy and related activities in order to understand their impact on the environment and marine environment in general. It is crucial that a blue economy function well and yield maximum returns by doing the right research.

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