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Celebrating a More Perfect Environment – InsideSources
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Celebrating a More Perfect Environment – InsideSources

American culture is marked by a desire to achieve better outcomes. While we can humblely acknowledge our mistakes, we strive for excellence in America’s social, industrial, and environmental standings. This desire is particularly evident in advances in energy production and the ever shrinking environmental footprint of an industrial sector that represents economic growth and human flourishing.

Let’s try to remember the true story of America’s environmental achievements this Earth Day. Celebrate our numerous successes. While some may call for expensive regulations and alarmist rhetoric from the top, America’s environmental story is worthy of celebration. It is a reflection of innovation, thoughtful leadership and competition, as well as a striving for efficiency and improving science.

Our air is the Cleanest recordSince 1970, the Environmental Protection Agency carefully measured six common air pollutants. We have reduced those emissions by 78 per cent. The key to this success is cooperative federalism. This means that the EPA works with state and local air quality experts while forming constructive partnerships with industry stakeholders.

The United States is a world leader in water access and continues to tackle modern water challenges head-on. We updated a variety of programs in 2020. Get lead out of drinking waterWith a special emphasis on rural communities, daycares, schools and other institutions.

The United States continues its leadership in reducing marine litter and plastic waste. It works with local communities to improve waste management practices. The United States has also constructed more than the 60 percent of its marine litter from six Asian countries. 50 international partnershipsTo share relevant knowledge and expertise.

Today, land is being conserved and managed for both recreational and commercial purposes. Our nation has enjoyed economic success and a respect for wild places and natural resources. Private landowners have a strong incentive to not only maintain their livelihoods but also create an environment that encourages coexistence with the natural world. Despite this, ClaimsThe United States has already protected 12 percent of its waters and lands, whereas only 12 percent are protected elsewhere. 40%Protected federal public waters lands

Our biodiversity is also a source of pride. More keystone species, such as the American Bald Eagle, grizzly bear, and gray wolf, have fully recovered from near extinction. Although the 1973 Endangered Species Act has been a success in preventing extinction 100 per cent of the time, it could be used more effectively to recover between 2-3 percent and 5% of threatened or endangered species.

The United States leads the way in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This trend is expected to continue. The International Energy Agency has released a blunt report. statesThe U.S. has experienced the greatest absolute drop in greenhouse gas emissions since 2000.

This success can be attributed to hydraulic fracturing’s advancements, which resulted in a rise in natural gas use and wider adoption of modern emission-control technologies by industrial operators. The U.S. should not be afraid of climate change, but it is a complex problem and deserves a balanced policy response.

The decades of environmental progress in the United States have shown that having a strong economy and adhering high quality environmental standards is not mutually exclusive. The history of the United States has shown that those who want to sacrifice the former in exchange for the latter is a losing side. Too often today’s environmental debate is distracted by false choices and extreme world-ending rhetoric regarding modern climate change. This is a disconnect from both science and reality.

The key to this success lies in an overarching commitment towards true conservation, and not constrictive preservationist policy. We as a nation strive to do more with less, and we support innovation, which has allowed us to be recognized as global leaders in this field. We must oppose attempts to politicize environment missions and reject policies to prohibit politically disfavored technology or shift investment away form politically disfavored stakeholders.

The U.S. is on the right track to a greener future, even though it is not perfect. Our model is the envy worldwide. We can all celebrate Earth Day by finding our park, fishing our local stream, or creating products for the environment.

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