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Charleston environmental nonprofit needs to remove a sunken vessel in order to protect marine life.
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Charleston environmental nonprofit needs to remove a sunken vessel in order to protect marine life.

CHARLESTON (WCSC) – Young professionals from a Charleston-based leadership program are collaborating with a local nonprofit to help protect the Charleston harbor’s marine life.

Wounded Nature Working Veterans has partnered with the team to help them achieve their financial goal of rescuing a sunken vessel from Charleston harbor. They claim that the sunken vessel has caused damage to the area.

The environmental nonprofit focuses primarily on coastal cleanups and rehabilitation in areas that most people cannot access.

Whit Jones, director at Wounded Nature, said that sunken or abandoned vessels leave debris that is toxic for the environment, which can impact wildlife and navigation.

In the tidal lakes, fish and shrimp live. Jones states that shellfish often ingest microplastics. The environment will be healthier if the debris is removed.

The current project is to retrieve a two-year old sunken boat that Wounded Nature, their partnering group, has named Rusty. They will reveal its true name once the boat is recovered.

The Rusty is located near the James Island connector. This is dangerous for boats that navigate the waters in the area.

Jones claims they have the plan, but need funding. Jones and his team are seeking $15,000 to fund The Rusty.

Jones said that we continue to face challenges with our resources and that the more problematic boats, which are larger and take longer to sink, the more expensive they are.

According to the non-profit, they are asking for assistance from the state in a long-term solution to abandoned vessels in South Carolina. They are asking the community to help them, but they are doing it on their own.

Quinn Gaines, a leader program participant, said that by raising funds and getting it from the water, they are giving back to local fisherman, marshlands and the waterways.

The nonprofit is seeking additional funds to clear the backlog, which includes sunken and abandoned boats. Jones stated that once they have the boats out of water, the cost for continuing their projects will decrease.

Click here to learn more about raising The Rusty. HereWhit Jones can be reached at

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