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City of London Environmental Guidelines and Strategies| City of London
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City of London Environmental Guidelines and Strategies| City of London

Environmental Management Guidelines

The Environmental Management GuidelinesGive guidance regarding the standards, procedures, and requirements for preparing studies and reports on environmental issues that might be required to be evaluated:

  • Planning applications
  • municipal infrastructure projects
  • Conservation Master Plans
  • Secondary Plans
  • Area Plans
  • Reports on Subject Land Status
  • Environmental Assessments
  • Environmental Impact Studies.

These Guidelines include six sections.

Environmental Management Guidelines

London Invasive Plant Management Strategy

Invasive plants pose a threat to London’s economy, society, and recreational environment. Many invasive plant species are unable to compete with important native plants, resulting in a decrease in ecosystem function and enjoyment. The London Invasive Plant Management Strategy was created in 2017 and the City of London began to control invasive species in 2006. London is the only city in Ontario that has adopted a municipal invasive species management strategy.

Phragmites Management

Phragmites australis, an invasive species of plant found in London, is the most dangerous plant in Canada. Since 2006, the City of London has been a leader among other cities and levels of government in taking a proactive approach to managing invasive species in our Parks and Woodlands and Environmentally Significant Areas (ESAs). Since 2006, the City has been managing invasive Phragmites. ESAs. These efforts have been expanded under the London Phragmites ManagementStrategy.

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