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Clean environment ‘our right’, parties must make it poll plank: Punjab Green group
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Clean environment ‘our right’, parties must make it poll plank: Punjab Green group

The environment appears to have been a key issue in Punjab ahead of the Assembly elections. Punjab Vatavaran Chetna Lehar a social organisation made up religious leaders and environmentalists has released a People’s Demand Letter in which they ask the political leaders to make environment the main issue.

A press conference was held in Jalandhar by environmentalist Baba Balbir Singh Seechewal, along with other leaders of Sant Samaj, on Thursday.

They stated that people should question their leaders about the programs they are using to save the earth, water, and air of the state. Sant Samaj leaders said that in order to make political parties more aware of the environment, a debate will be held at Ramgarhia College Ludhiana on 20 December.

Baba Seechewal said that parties have been announcing various sops to the people but no political party has yet talked about providing the clean environment which is “our right”.

He stated that although political parties shouldn’t be trying to win the election, they should show people how they can help them.

They announced that they would launch this campaign to educate people about the environment. This campaign will be led by Kahan Singh Pannu, a former secretary (agriculture).

They stated that they had already sent an agenda to political parties and that they will inform the people on December 20th during a debate about their programmes and action plans.

Baba Seechewal and the ex-Jathedar of Damdami Sahib Giani Kewal Singh said that if the government had complied with the provisions of the Water Act of 1974 and the Air Prevention and the Control of Pollution Act of 1981, there would not have been any environmental issues in the state.

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