Strange things are happening across the Arctic.
In just a few days, large lakes, some measuring several miles in area, disappeared. Hillsides are slipping. Hillsides sink.
READ MOREHow Arctic permafrost is being transformed by thawing
It’s evidence that permafrost, the long-frozen soil below the surface, is thawing. That’s bad news for the communities built above it – and for the global climate.
As an EcologistI am interested in these dynamic landscape interactions. I have been documenting how permafrost-driven landscape shifts have increased over time. The hidden changes that are taking place there are a warning for the future.
What is permafrost and how does it work?
Permafrost, a perennially frozen soil, is what covers About 25% of the land is covered by forestsIn the Northern Hemisphere, Alaska, Canada, Russia and Russia are all examples. It is rich in organic matter from long-dead animals and plants that have been frozen over time.
These frozen soils are able to preserve the structural integrity in many northern landscapes. They provide stability to vegetated and non-vegetated surfaces, much like load-bearing support bars in buildings.
Permafrost, ground ice and other forms of ground-ice are more vulnerable to melting and thawing as temperatures rise. As these frozen soils heat up, the ground becomes unstable, unraveling the intricate fabric that has delicately created these dynamic ecosystems over the millennia. Wildfires have been increasing in the Arctic. Have been increasing the risk.
Under the surface, something else is active – and it is Global warming: Increasing the impact. Microbes start to eat organic matter that has been frozen for many millennia when the ground thaws.
These microbesMethane and carbon dioxide, which are potent greenhouse gases, are released. They further increase the temperature of the atmosphere as they escape into it. A feedback loop is createdWarmer temperatures allow for more organic material to be released into the soil. This allows microbes to thrive and create more greenhouse gases.
The evidence: Lakes disappearing
Evidence of climate change caused by humans is increasing across the permafrost extent.
The Large lakes disappearingOne of the most striking examples for recent patterns of northern landscape transformations is, which covers multiple square miles.
As the drainage channels become wider and deeper, the lakes drain laterally. Vertically, the taliks allow water to drain away from the lake.
There is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the surface water is receding in permafrost-rich regions. Satellite observations and analysis suggest that lake drainage may be possible Related to permafrost loss. Colleagues, IIt increases with longer and warmer summer seasons.
This insight was a result of some of the Most severe rates of lake drainage – drainage that occurs over a few days due to permafrost degradation – on record were observed over the past five years in northwestern Alaska.
The disappearance or shrinkage of lakes in the permafrost extent will likely impact the livelihoods and livelihoods of Indigenous communities. Water quality and water availabilityImportant for waterfowl, fishes and other wildlife shifting.
Slumping hills and polygon field
Hillsides are also being affected by the thaw/collapse of buried glacial Ice. This is happening in the Russian and North American Arctic. It is causing hillsides to sink at an increasing rate, sending soil, plants, and debris sliding downslope.
A new study in northern Siberia has shown that disturbed land surfaces are a common feature. Increased over 300%Over the past 20 years. Similar studies were done in Northern Northwestern CanadaThe acceleration of slumping was also observed in warmer and wetter years.

An ice wedge that dates to the late Pleistocene era at Noatak National Preserve, Alaska. David Swanson/National Park Service
Ice wedges can develop in flat terrain, creating unusual geometric patterns across the land.
Over many decades, melting snow seeps through cracks in the soil. Ice blocks. These wedges cause troughs above the ground. Making the edges of polygons. Polygonal features Naturally formThe freezing and thawing processes in a manner similar to that of drying mud flats resulted in the formation of ice wedges. The ground above is prone to collapse as the ice melts.
Even in extreme high Arctic environments, even a few rare warm summers can have a dramatic impact. Change the surface of your landscapeThe surface becomes undulating when it sinks into depressions due to melting of ice. The rates of ice-wedge thawing have been overall at 8%. Climate warming has prompted an increase in the number of people who are able to work outdoors..

Thawing pingo and polygons – a mound and depressions formed by ice wedges – in the Northwest Territories, Canada. Emma Pike /Wikimedia
This thawing was also witnessed in many Arctic regions. Wildfire. Recent research shows that. My colleagues and I discoveredWildfires in Arctic permafrost areas increased the rate and vertical collapse of frozen terrain for up eight decades after the fire. Because both Climate warming wildfire disturbanceThey are expected to rise in the future, which could increase the rate at which northern landscapes change.
At lower latitudes of the lowland boreal forests, the impact of climate change and environmental changes have also been felt. There, ice-rich permafrost plateaus – elevated permafrost islands heaved above adjacent wetlands – have rapidly degraded across Alaska, Canada Scandinavia. They can look like cargo ships, filled with sedges and shrubs, sinking into the wetlands.
Why is it important?
Long-term, northern ecosystems have been characterized by low temperatures and short growing season. This has made it difficult for dead plants to decompose and organic matter to be removed. Nearly all northern ecosystems are affected by this. 50% of the global soil organic carbonThese soils are frozen.
The abrupt transitions we’re seeing today – lakes becoming drained basins, shrub tundra turning into ponds, lowland boreal forests becoming wetlands – will not only hasten the decomposition of buried permafrost carbon, but also the decomposition of above-ground vegetation as it collapses into water-saturated environments.
Russia has a large part of the world’s permafrost. After years of international cooperation, some Western institutions stopped funding scientific research in Ukraine after Russia invaded it in 2022. Joshua Stevens/NASA
Climate models show the potential impacts of such activities according to climate models Transitions could prove to be extremely difficult. A recent modeling study was published in Nature CommunicationsThe possibility of permafrost degrading and landscape collapse could lead to a 12-fold increase of carbon losses in a scenario where there is strong warming by the end century.
This is especially important since permafrost has been estimated to contain approximately 75% of the world’s energy. The atmosphere has twice the carbon content today. Permafrost depths can vary widely. They can exceed 3,000 feet in Siberia and 2,000 in northern Alaska. They rapidly decrease when moving south. Fairbanks, Alaska averages 300 feet (90m) in height. Studies have shown that most of the shallow, 10 foot (3 meter) deep permafrost would be able to be accessed by those with less than 10 feet (3 meter) of experience. If the world is not destroyed, it will likely thawBased on its current temperature trajectory.
To make matters worse, microbes can also produce methane in waterlogged environments that lack oxygen. This is a potent greenhouse gases. 30 times more effective than carbon dioxide in warming the planet, though it doesn’t stay in the atmosphere as long.

Red areas are talik (unfrozen ground above the permafrost) and are expected to be present in the 2050s in five parks in northern Alaska. The permafrost thickness can vary depending on the climate and history of the landscape. For example, the active layer which thaws in the summer may be less thick than a foot near Prudhoe Bay, Alaska or a few feet near Fairbanks. The average permafrost thickness is between 2,100 and 300 feet below these sites (about 660-90 meters), but it can vary greatly. National Park Service
It is unknown how significant a problem melting permafrost will be for the climate. It is already known that it emits greenhouse gases. However, the causes and consequences for permafrost melting and landscape changes that accompany it are not yet known. Frontiers in active research.
One thing is certain, the thawing of frozen landscapes will continue changing the face of high-latitude ecosystems over the coming years. Living in these areas will have to deal with the consequences of slumping land and destabilizing earth. This could include sinking buildings and buckling roads.
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