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Communication of Science, Health, Environment, Risk and Risk
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Communication of Science, Health, Environment, Risk and Risk

Students can gain practical experience and a deeper understanding of the areas of science, health, environment, and risk through the Communicating Science, Health, Environment & Risk Certificate. This certificate offers significant value to Arts & Sciences students in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities, as well as students majoring in Health Education and Promotion, Health Information Management, Health Sciences, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Nursing, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, other public health/environmental/science programs, and students on a Pre-Medical Pathway. This certificate is also beneficial to Communication students who plan to work in health or environmental organizations and settings, such as public information officer, pharmacist sales, health education, scientific writing and community organizer. The certificate allows students the opportunity to effectively communicate complex ideas to multiple audiences in interpersonal, public and mediated settings.

Admission Requirements

Students who are already pursuing a degree at UC can add the certificate to their program.

You must also meet with the program director (or any Communication advisor), so they are aware that your are seeking thecertificate. To avoid delays in obtaining your certificate, make sure you do this as soon as possible.

Students who do not have a degree in their current field may declare the certificate upon establishing.Non-matriculated status.

This career field requires people-oriented skills, excellent writing and speaking skills, passion for science and health, and a passion about the environment.

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