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Cong: BJP destroyed Indias social environment | Goa News
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Cong: BJP destroyed Indias social environment | Goa News

Panaji: Tariq Anwar, general secretary of All India Congress Committee (AICC), said Thursday that BJP had destroyed the SocialEnvironment of the nation
Modi has failed solve the problems raised by the people. The worst of these things are taking place. Anwar stated to reporters that the nation’s communal harmony was destroyed.
He stated that, while the nation has struggled with the issue of unemployment, the BJP government has not done anything to solve it. The lack of employment opportunities is frustrating the youth. The rising inflation has made it difficult for the common man to find work, and the poor are feeling the consequences, he stated.
He stated that Goa’s unemployment situation is not different. We are firm believers that democracy is possible, citing PM Narendra Modi’s statement. We believe that criticism is an essential component of democracy. M V Rajeev Gowda, chairperson of AICC’s research department, stated that although critics are welcome, they can be charged with sedition if they speak against the government.
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