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DENR urges public to practice ‘environment stewardship’ on Earth Day – Manila Bulletin
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DENR urges public to practice ‘environment stewardship’ on Earth Day – Manila Bulletin

DENR urges public to practice 'environment stewardship' on Earth Day – Manila Bulletin

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) urged the public to practice “environmental stewardship” by going beyond the traditional hour-long switching of light as the world observes Earth Day on Saturday, March 26.

(Courtesy EcoWaste Coalition)

Jim O. Sampulna, DENR Acting secretary, encouraged the public join the Earth Hour event by turning off their televisions, air conditioner units, and other non-essential lights between 8:30 p.m. & 9:30 pm.

“Apart from safeguarding ourselves from the COVID-19 virus under the new normal, let us also create a norm that puts our planet and, ultimately, our people first. Sustainability should already be a lifestyle and a common goal for each Filipino,” Sampulna said.

Sampulna disclosed that the national government had pledged to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change a greenhouse gas emission reduction of 75 percent (2.71 per cent unconditional, 72.29 conditional) between 2020 and 2030.

He added that the government would only obtain this goal with the public’s help.

Sampulna pledged to increase enforcement of the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 and the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999 in order to reduce the impacts of climate change.

Sampulsa also stated that the agency is committed to strengthening its National Greening Program and protecting 8.7 million hectares forest and conserving the biodiversity in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

“Climate change is no longer a foreign term for all of us. With all the typhoons and disasters we have experienced in the past, I hope that Filipinos are already conscious and responsible towards taking care of the environment,” Sampulna said.

“Apart from these, individuals can contribute to saving the planet by eating more sustainably, not wasting food, reducing plastic usage, being energy-efficient, being a conscious consumer, being supportive of the government’s environmental programs, and being environmental ambassadors in their sphere of influence,” he added.





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