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Editorials| Editorials

Northern New York has seen some sunshine break through the clouds and we’ve also experienced some warmer temperatures.

These are signs that spring is near. We still have some winter to go, but we can now see the light at both end of the tunnel.

As we close out another season of snow and cold in the north, it is appropriate to reflect on all those who work hard to make things move along. It’s easy to take their work for granted because they do a great job. It is important to remember how much more difficult winter would be if they were not out there keeping problems to an absolute minimum.

They are only visible in winter, so we should start with those who keep our roads snow-free. Plow drivers are often on duty in the mornings and late at night.

Their work is especially important for areas with less traffic. These roads can be dangerous as there are not many people nearby to assist someone in need. The snow plows are a great way to make roads safer when the snow piles up.

In the winter months, first-responders are also vital. They include police officers, firefighters, and medical personnel. Their work is difficult enough in warmer weather. The frigid cold makes it more difficult for them to respond to emergencies. We are forever grateful to them because of their dedication to saving lives, and maintaining social order even under the most extreme conditions.

The social services industry also has important workers. For example, representatives of organizations such as the American Red Cross or The Salvation Army are there to help in times of natural disasters and fires. They and other members play an integral part in providing services for people in crisis. We should support their work by donating our money or volunteering our time.

Utility staffers and public workers are also people who merit our appreciation. They ensure that electricity, internet, and telephone lines are operational. Additionally, they make critical repairs to our infrastructure when it is coldest.

Others on this list are members of the armed force and U.S. citizens. Postal Service workers. Fort Drum soldiers regularly train to defend our country in the midst Northern New York winters. We see the results in their constant readiness. Without the men and women who deliver mail and parcels every day, where would we be?

We are sure there are others we haven’t mentioned. These include store associates who pick up shopping carts; delivery drivers for restaurants who deliver food to curbsides; drivers of tow trucks who get frozen car batteries running again. Construction workers who repair buildings while they are outside. Plumbers who fix backed up septic systems. Customer service representatives who deal with clients at drive-through windows. Bus drivers who navigate icy roads to ensure that children get to school safely. We are grateful to all the drivers who deliver our newspapers.

Let’s remember everyone who braves the winter elements to fulfill their responsibilities and makes our lives easier. When possible, express gratitude and appreciate how much easier it is to have them on the job.

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