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‘Environment’ Added To Glenview Natural Resources Commission Name
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‘Environment’ Added To Glenview Natural Resources Commission Name

'Environment' Added To Glenview Natural Resources Commission Name

Tom Robb


Glenview Village President Mike Jenny and Henrietta Saunders, chair of the Natural Resources Commission (at right), get ready to cut the ribbon to the Techny Basin Bike Path on Aug. 15. (Shawn Clisham/Journal photo)

Glenview trustees approved a change in the name for one of the villages commissions last month. The Glenview Natural Resources Commission is now known as the Glenview Environment and Natural Resources Commission.

This modification to the name will more accurately and formally describe the commissions involvement and mission in preserving and protecting the environment as well as its natural resources, a village report on the name change said.

We have superlative natural resources (in Glenview), Environment and Natural Resources Commission Chair Henrietta Saunders said. Our mission remains the same. The new name reflects our work focused on the environment.

The commission helped publish the villages Plan For Nature in 2008, gives annual sustainability awards for innovation, leadership and education, and outreach, and provides guidance in areas including dealing with invasive plant species, heritage trees, and monarch butterflies among other projects.

One of the commissions top duties related to the environment, as detailed in the ordinance which founded it, is to, Preserve, conserve, enhance, and protect the environment, natural resources, and environmental values of the village including the quality of land, air, and water and the interrelationships that exist among and between them and all living things within the limits of the village.

Besides regularly appointed members, the commission has two high school student commissioners.

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