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Environment America Research & Policy Center asks UPS to electrify their fleet
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Environment America Research & Policy Center asks UPS to electrify their fleet

UPS delivers 25,000,000 items each day. Right now, UPS comes with unhealthy air pollution and a warmer environment.

Environment America Research & Policy Center launched ElectrifyUPS on Nov. 18, a campaign urging the company’s fleet of delivery trucks to be electrified. The goal is to purchase only electric vehicles by 2030. Delivery vehicles account for almost half of all nitrogen oxide emissions and 60% of fine particulate matter. UPS could make a commitment to abandon its diesel-powered fleet in favor of electric trucks, which could clean our air and help protect our climate.

UPS is the world’s largest courier company and has the opportunity and responsibility to lead the shipping industry towards an electric future with zero emission trucks. Morgan Folger, Environment America Research & Policy Centers Destination Zero Carbon campaign director, said.

UPS can help the entire shipping industry to move forward and lead the charge for an electric future.

Read more about this campaign.

Learn more about the Global Warming Solutions campaign.

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