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Environment Canada – Agassiz Harrison Observer
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Environment Canada – Agassiz Harrison Observer

Environment Canada has issued a fog advisory for a large portion of the B.C. south coast Sunday. (Pixabay photo)

Environment Canada has issued a fog advisory for a large portion of the B.C. Sunday. (Pixabay photo)

Dense fog blankets B.C.’s south coast Sunday, leading to poor visibility: Environment Canada

Drivers, pedestrians urged to be cautions

A dense blanket of fog is expected to blanket much of the province’s south coast starting Sunday (Jan. 23).

“Visibility may be significantly and suddenly reduced to near zero,” Environment Canada stated. “Travel is expected to be hazardous due to reduced visibility in some locations. If visibility is reduced while driving, slow down, watch for tail lights ahead and be prepared to stop.”

Fog across much of the region is forecast to last until Monday afternoon, the fog advisory stated, but weather forecasts for the Lower Mainland from Environment Canada predict fog into next week. Only the north and west coasts on Vancouver Island are not subject to a fog advisory.

Fog could become more intense and last for longer periods near the Georgia Strait.


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Environment Canada weather

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