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Environment Canada issues wind warnings for Greater Victoria
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Environment Canada issues wind warnings for Greater Victoria

Environment Canada issues wind warning for Greater Victoria
(Anna Liubakova)

High winds are expected to continue until Sunday night in the Greater Victoria region.

Environment Canada says that southeast winds gusting to 70 km/h with gusts up to 90 km/h could impact the Greater Victoria region near Haro Strait.

This warning will also impact the southern parts of Metro Vancouver and Gulf Islands.

Expect winds to pick up by this evening and continue into Sunday night.

The wind, rain, and rising temperatures Sunday can cause rapid melting of snow.

Environment Canada warned that a Pacific frontal system, which is expected to approach the west coast, will bring strong winds to the inner South coast this weekend.

Southeast winds will gradually intensify and reach 70 km/h, gusting up to 90 for areas near water. There is a possibility of flurries becoming rain overnight tonight.

According to the weather agency, the strong southeast winds will continue through Sunday and then ease overnight in the wake the frontal system.

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