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Environment Canada warns about strong winds in Metro Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast
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Environment Canada warns about strong winds in Metro Vancouver and the Sunshine Coast

Environment Canada warns of strong winds in parts of Metro Vancouver and Sunshine Coast

The Lower Mainland has already experienced snow and freezing rain during the New Year’s Day weekend. Why not a storm?

Environment Canada issued a warning about strong winds for a prolonged period at night and daytime at 5:36 AM on January 2.

They’ll be coming from the southeast at 70 km/h, gusting up to 90 at some points.

They will strike the south sections of Metro Vancouver including Langley, Surrey and Richmond as well as the Southern Gulf Islands, Greater Victoria and Haro Strait.

The national weather forecaster stated that loose objects could be tossed into the wind and cause injury, or damage. “High winds could cause tree branches or loose objects to fall due to high winds.”

This is in addition to other hazards residents may be exposed to today due to rising temperatures that cause rapid snow melting and the rain.

According to Environment Canada’s special weather forecast at 5:37 AM, snow and freezing rain are predicted for the southern and northern Sunshine Coast regions.

Environment Canada also appeared at 4:28 a.m. an hour earlier Strong winds to bewareFrom East Vancouver Island to Nanoose Bay and Campbell River, as also on the northern Sunshine Coast, from Saltery Bay up to Powell River.

Some ferry services to the Sunshine Coast will be disrupted due to high winds.
B.C. Ferries

Some ferry sailings have been cancelled

B.C. was unable to sail due to the strong winds. Ferries has cancelled these sailings on January 2.

* 10:15 a.m. and 3:15 p.m. from Tsawwassen to Duke Point

* 12:45 p.m. and 5:45 p.m. from Duke Point to Tsawwassen

* 5:30 p.m. and 7:50 p.m. from Horseshoe Bay to Langdale

* 6:40 p.m. and 8:55 p.m. from Langdale to Horseshoe Bay

There are also some modified scheduleYou can sail to and from the Sunshine Coast for the remainder of the day.

The Salish OrcaBecause of loosen metal sheeting, the Little River (Comox), dock remains closed. And the Northern Sea WolfJourneys to communities on B.C.’s Central Coast Continue to be cancelled today.

B.C. Hydro reported some power outages last night. Hydro also reported that 1,655 customers in North Vancouver have lost power, while another 330 are without electricity on Keats Island, near Gibsons.

You can see the results of recent weather disturbances on social media.

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