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Environment, Immigration and Remittances-Business
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Environment, Immigration and Remittances-Business

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Nearly 14 million migrant workers are employed in the US to support a variety of industries. This is not surprising considering that the USA hosts 51 million immigrants, which is 19% of the global migrant population. It is worth looking at the environment where migrants arrive, the benefits they receive from immigrating, and how they manage their money through paid jobs. This is to follow up on the recent World Bank report that focuses on remittances received from the US. Many of these migrant workers send large amounts of their salary to the USA. International money transferThey return to their homeland.

Let us now take a quick look at the life of a migrant worker.

Original Environment

Many people believe that migrant workers refer to unskilled or untrained labor. However, statistically this is not true. While there are many migrants who work in construction, cleaning, and transporting, there are also many skilled migrant workers who have come to the US. Let’s take as an example the Indian diaspora. There are many highly-skilled Indians in tech who can get better jobs and better paying jobs in the US because of their skills. Many migrants find it difficult to make a living or find work in their home country.

Migration offers many benefits

You will get a better job, a better salary, and a better standard for living when you move to another country. Although it is difficult to obtain a US long-term visa, the mere thought of getting one is enough for millions of immigrants to come to the US. They can bring their skills and make a better living for themselves and their families. It is important to remember that migrants bring with them a lot of variety, which is what has made this country so special for so long.

Why are remittances so popular?

Many migrants who arrive in the US to make a living and send money home to support their families are looking to send some back. This is why remittances to the US are so large. The high dollar value can make a significant difference in the support of relatives back home. This is evident in the pandemic. Since the US economy has reactivated, we have seen more remittances from India and Mexico than ever. The US was able to recover faster than other countries, but other countries did not. This is why the money is flooding back in support of family and friends who are migrant workers.

This is a theme that is common among migrant workers worldwide, and many countries and industries are all the more grateful for it.

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