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Goa News| Goa News

Panaji: Goa State Environment Impact Assessment Authority has changed the rates for processing applications for environmental clearances (EC). For every iron ore mine that is granted clearance, cost fees will now be Rs 5 lakh.
The rates were last changed in 2014.
Those applying for expansion or transfer of iron ore mining activities will also be charged an administration-cum-processing fee of Rs 5 lakh each for expansion and transfer. The SEIAA also decided that a Rs 2.5 lakh fee will be charged to extend the EC for mining major mineral, as it was decided at its meeting last month.
On the contrary, those seeking EC to build or construct projects will be charged Rs 1.
According to Union environment ministry guidelines the environmental clearance process must be completed for 39 types projects. It covers aspects such as screening, scoping, and evaluation of the project. This process is designed to assess the potential impact of the proposed project on the environment and the people involved and to reduce or minimize the negative effects.
For a basalt quarry, the fee for the EC process will be Rs 50,000. However, for a laterite quarry, it will cost Rs 25,000.
According to the SEIAA, any corrigendum request will be charged Rs 5,000
The project proponent must determine whether the proposed project falls within the scope of environmental clearance. If the proposed project is mentioned in the Union ministrys schedule, the proponent must first assess whether it falls within the scope of environmental clearance. The consultant or the proponent can conduct an environment impact assessment study. If the project falls under category B, it is sent to the state government for approval. This further categorizes it into B1 or B2 projects.
The EC outlines different conditions that project proponents must follow, including maintaining buffer zones, ensuring mineral transportation is done in covered vehicles and that no night mining occurs.
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