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HomeKit Weekly – Eve Motion Blinds create smart home environments that we’ve envisioned for decades
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HomeKit Weekly – Eve Motion Blinds create smart home environments that we’ve envisioned for decades

Eve motion Blinds

I have the opportunity to test many HomeKit devices and my family is used a new device coming in and out via the Home app. Still, the reviewer’s kit for the Eve Motion BlindsI get insights into a high end HomeKit future with custom integrationors.

HomeKit WeeklyThis series focuses on smart home accessories, automation tips, and tricks, as well as everything that is connected to Apple’s smart home framework.

Items like the Eve Motion SensorOr Eve Smart Outlet with thread, it’s easy to put the devices through a full review cycle like unboxing, adding to your HomeKit environment, using in combination other accessories, and testing automations. On the other hand, a product like Eve’s Motion Blinds is obviously a much bigger project. Each window in a house is different, so changing blinds can be difficult. In fact, if you’re in the US, your local Lowes or Home Depot offers Blind installation that is well worth the price if you’re buying a whole house at once.

Eve motion Blinds

The new Eve Motion Blinds aren’t something you’re going to order from an online retailer with overnight shipping. Instead, it’s a larger part of the design process. Just like you rarely order windows or large appliances right from the internet, you’ll rarely order blinds without a design process to determine the size of your windows, the type of blinds, etc. As my wife and I walk through the home building process, we’re meeting with building material companies to pick out windows, doors, hinges, etc. In looking at the web portal, there are countless different materials to choose from, so if you’re interested in going all-in on HomeKit blinds, you’ll have plenty of options.

Eve Motion Blinds Reviewer’s Kit

I am not interested in the process of choosing blind fabric or having something custom made for a window. What interests me is how these blinds integrate with HomeKit. Eve created a self-contained Reviewer’s Kit for testing purposes that didn’t require mounting the product to a window to get a sense of how it worked with HomeKit. I’ve recorded a short video below that should give you a sense of how:

  1. Siri responds quickly to your requests
  2. How quiet the motor is

One thing to keep in mind: Although it looks like it is plugged into the wall, it can still run on battery power. Eve says that it can last almost a year on a single battery charge. However, this is not something I can verify for this review. To charge the device without having to unmount it, a long USB-C cord has been included.

As you can see in the video above, it functions just like you’d expect from HomeKit functionality with blinds. There’s a HomeKit code on the manual pull chain. Once it’s scanned, it onboards to HomeKit as blinds. From there, you’ll get to automate it to your heart’s desire for the time of day or pair it with other accessories.

I have spent time with the product in different forms (automations and Siri, etc.).It would be great to pair it with the Wemo Stage ControllerOne button would open all blinds and one would close them.

Wrap it up

A house filled with Eve Motion Blinds is the best way to create the most advanced smart home environment in the world. It can be paired with other products such as a HomeKit Motion SensorOr a remote control scene controller, and you’ve got a setup that would previously only have been possible with the highest of high-end smart home environments that took a computer programmer to configure.

HomeKit makes it easy to create the home of your dreams with just an iPhone, HomePods and a few accessories. This setup is why I always recommend a smart home platform. Apple, Amazon, or Google aren’t making smart home blinds, but someone else will, and the integration leads to some powerful possibilities. Learn more Eve Motion BlindsStart the process of updating your home for the best.

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