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How leaders can reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste
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How leaders can reduce the environmental impact of electronic waste

The environmental impact of electronic waste (ewaste) is a concern, especially as companies around the world increase their use of electronic devices to invent and attract new talent. According to sustainability research, today’s environment is a mess. SOTINearly all of the leading providers of IoT and mobile device management solutions are. 7 out of 10 U.S. U.S.

IT departments can make improvements to reduce corporate electronic waste and introduce green IT solutions that lessen the environmental impact of IT operations. Shash Anand, vice president of product strategy at SOTIs, says it all starts with leaders being aware of the device’s life expectancy. IT departments will need to replace less hardware over the device’s life span, which can save leaders money and positively impact the environment. Shash recommends these small steps for anyone who wants to make changes in their sustainability practices.

With their batteries, you can extend the life expectancy of your mobile devices

Enterprises may have a mix between older and new devices that they need to manage their workforce. In this case, it might be tempting to just update the older devices. However, just like a car’s maintenance, regular service and cleaning can help prolong the device’s lifespan.

Anand believes the same applies to Enterprise Mobility Management solutions (EMM). He says that teams can have visibility into every device and see what needs to be done to extend their battery life. This helps them save money and allow them to maintain their devices at scale. For better battery management, there are a few things you can do. You can reduce idle time, use data to predict when your batteries will fail, how long they will last, and when you should replace them. You can also use battery dashboards to monitor temperature changes and the number of charge cycles.

Avoid shipping hardware

The shift to hybrid working models has seen workers spread out over different places or working remotely. This makes the process of getting a device fixed complicated and takes a lot more back and forth between the user, the IT department, and the user. This is not only time-consuming but also a burden on the environment due to shipping, packaging, and fuel costs.

Anand explains that the new method involves using a diagnostic tool that reduces shipping costs, saves time, and lowers the environmental footprint. It is easier, quicker, and more environmentally friendly to diagnose a device’s problems remotely than sending it back and forth. It’s usually a software issue.

Recycle and properly dispose of E-Waste

According to SOTIs, 51.6% IT leaders will replace laptops and tablets before they are ready. If asked, 38.2% will replace mobile phones and handhelds, leaving 71% of the most discarded devices.

Leaders are often challenged to keep up with the latest and greatest technology. Beatitudes The latest technology. Sometimes, you don’t need to upgrade a device just because it is the latest. Here are some ways that leaders can reuse and recycle devices.

  • Workers can share their devices: Are there other departments that could benefit from the devices? Maybe a mobile device can replace the paper and pen process.
  • Donate any obsolete devices: Are they no longer necessary but are still useful for employees or the company? Find a non-profit or small company that could benefit from these devices. To protect your data privacy and security, ensure that you have wiped them and logged out of any accounts before giving them away.
  • Find out where electronics in your community can be recycled. If they are not recyclable or can’t be donated, make sure you recycle them properly. IT departments can make it easy for e-waste reduction by making sure that electronics are properly disposed of.
  • It is important to clean and clear any device you are going to recycle, just like washing containers. EMM solutions can wipe clean devices to prevent corporate data being leaked.

Green IT is a good business idea for IT departments, companies, and, of course, the planet. Green IT isn’t necessarily complicated. IT departments can give more attention to sustainability. Leaders can increase their current low annual budgets, and reduce the number devices that are replaced.

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