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Why Amazon Prime Delivery is Bad For the Environment and Their Workers
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Why Amazon Prime Delivery is Bad For the Environment and Their Workers

Is Glass Good for the Environment?

Next-day delivery was a huge success amid the pandemic. It was how many people got groceries and what they needed during the lockdown. However, it was devastating for our planet as the amount of packaging waste grew and workers were forced into meeting strict deadlines.

Source: Vox/Youtube

AmazonPrime delivery was introduced in 2005. This service has attracted millions to the company’s services, with delivery taking less than 48 hours. Amazon’s 200,000,000 Prime subscribers ordered more than any other Prime subscriber during the pandemic. Amazon sales grew during the first three month of 2021. 44 percentThis is what leads to an 8.1 billion dollar profit.

During the pandemic, Amazon sold 44 percent more products. The GuardianHowever, the cost to fulfill orders increased only by 31 percent, it was reported. Because the order volume was so large, they were able operate their warehouses more efficiently.

Source: Our Changing Climate/Youtube

Many people relied upon Amazon Prime to get groceries and other necessities during the pandemic. As life returns to normal, many will stick with the fast delivery service. This places a great strain on the environment. Amazon Prime ships Every day, 1.6 Million packages. While some people only use delivery services like this for necessities or groceries, many use fast delivery for things they don’t need quickly or at all for that matter.

In addition to the environmental impact of these billions of packages being delivered, there’s also a huge strain being put on Amazon workers. Many people have voiced their disapproval at Amazon, claiming that they place profits above the welfare of their workers. An Amazon warehouse on Long Island was the subject of a survey. 42 percentWorkers reported experiencing physical pain while performing their job duties.

Amazon reminds us that they place profits above their workers, Jacon, an Amazon worker, said The Guardian. On Easter Sunday, I had a normal stop day of 200+. Zero mercy shown.

Source: CNBC/Youtube

The Guardian reported that in some cities, Amazon is promising packages in just five hours or telling customers if they order by midnight, they can receive the package the next morning.Now that customers have had these insanely fast delivery times, it’s unlikely they will settle for anything less.

Amazon often outsources delivery services for different companies such as UPS, US Postal Services, or many companies for contracted drivers. Contracted drivers are often able to drive their own cars or smaller cars, which means they can carry fewer packages and return to the warehouse less often.

Customers often order items that are completely different. This makes it difficult to consolidate them and put them together in one package. A customer could order five items and get them all in separate boxes. Customers can often wait longer to receive their items, but in today’s world, many don’t think about the impact that hundreds of packages are having on the environment. PackagingThe item is already in their possession. If someone chooses to wait longer and receive their items in different packages, it means that the delivery driver must drive there likely twice in a row. This is not good for the planet.

Source: NBC News/Youtube

Amazon customers will often order multiple products because they are able to get one-day shipping. This results in more fuel being used, more packaging, and more strain for the workers. It is important to ask yourself if you really need the product and if you need it as soon as possible. Conscious purchasing is the way to go. Our choices have a bigger impact than we think.

PleaseSign this petitionDemand that Amazon treat their employees better!

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