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Improvements to Knighton streets are intended to improve safety, congestion, and the environment.
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Improvements to Knighton streets are intended to improve safety, congestion, and the environment.

Artists'impression of how one of the streets could look with a planter in place across one side of the carriageway

Published Monday, February 14, 2022

Artists'impression of how one of the streets could look with a planter in place across one side of the carriageway

NEW measures will be tested on Knighton’s streets to reduce traffic speeds and make it safer to take children to school.

These measures, which are all experimental, will include closing streets to traffic during school drop off and pick up times.

Some roads will be blocked at strategic points to stop through traffic. All properties will have full access at all time. Other roads will be one-way or have experimental chicanes or planters installed to reduce traffic speeds, and make crossings safer.

It is the result of extensive consultations with local schools and residents on ways to reduce congestion and problem parking, and limit traffic speeds in this area.

Northfold Road in Knighton, and Eastcourt Road at Knighton will be used as school streets beginning Monday 28 February. These roads are located close to Overdale junior and infant schools and are heavily affected.

Both roads will be closed to through traffic Monday through Friday between 8am and 9, and again between 2.30pm – 4pm. Initially, the roads will be closed by marshals.

Parents of school visitors and parents will be directed to park in nearby Park and Stride locations such as the Knighton Park carpark. Residents with permits are allowed to enter at all times. Residents who have received a permit will be granted a free permit.

To improve traffic flow, and to address parking issues, Ashclose Avenue, near the schools, will be made one way, southbound, from its junction to Meadvale Road.

On Monday 28th February, Knighton Drive will also be closed experimentally at its junction to Knighton Road, close to St Thomas More school. The purpose of the closure is to make Knighton Drive safer and to stop speeding and rat-running on Knighton Drive. The road will also be closed off by planters and a turning circle will be created for vehicles.

Craighill Road will also remain closed experimentally. Planters are placed on the road south of the junction with Northcote Road or Houlditch Road. This will help reduce congestion at the junction and speeding cars in the area. Northcote Road will be equipped with experimental priority giveways, which will allow traffic to be slowed down by creating chicanes.

To address local concerns, all measures are being tested.

Cllr Adam Clarke, deputy city mayor for environment & transport, said: We tried these measures after listening carefully to residents. This was in response to traffic problems they had told us about. Local ward councillors were instrumental in engaging residents and submitting ideas and will continue to be closely involved in this scheme.

These measures are experimental and can be modified or eliminated over time. We are interested in seeing how it works and whether these changes make any difference.

As we address the climate crisis, our top priority is making our neighborhoods safer and more healthful. People shouldn’t have the luxury of seeing cars speeding by their homes or being clogged up by school-run parking. We have heard from parents that they would be more inclined for their children to walk or cycle to school if there were less traffic.

We are working with local residents and ward councillors to make Knighton’s residential streets safer, less congested, and improve the air quality. This will benefit both our personal and collective health and well-being, as well as that of the city.

Discussions with local residents regarding the experimental measures are ongoing since September 2021. A formal consultation will be held in March 2022 to determine whether the experiments should be made permanent.

More information about the scheme can be found at


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